Yup you can, you just can't use an InVM transport in that case.


On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:04 AM, Gunnlaugur Sigurðsson <gunnlaugur...@gmail.co m> wrote:

Hi Kurt.

Just so I have this clear.

Can I deploy my web service to one tomcat instance and have it register the service to juddi on another tomcat instance that's responsible for running the registry ?
Or is my war file deployed into the juddi tomcat instance?


Kind regards.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Kurt T Stam <kurt.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gunnlaugur,

Here some suggestions that maybe helpful:

1. Follow the screencast on our blog to deploy the juddi-sample.war
which does just what you want.

2. Turn on debug level logging and post that so we can see what's going on.


On Tuesday, April 20, 2010, Gunnlaugur Sigurðsson
<gunnlaugur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I sent this message earlier, but I had not registered to the list so I thought I needed to do that before. > But if the message did get to the list in my prior post, I apologize for this message.
> I'm new to juddi.
> I've installed jUDDI version 3.0.1 using the default configuration and can browse the registry using UDDIBrowser Portlet.
> Now I'm trying to register service I created for a test I'm performing. > I'm using eclipse and have a tomcat instance running (ports 8080, 8015, 8019)
> I followed the example on the blog site
> But the service is not getting registered in the juddi registry. The service is deployed to my tomcat/eclipse server successfully and I get the wsdl page in the eclipse Web Service Explorer.
> I'm I missing something in my test? Thanks.
> Here is the code I have for my service.
> # App.java
> @WebService(name="App", targetNamespace="http://annotation.test.dev.my.domain.com/ws ")
> public interface App {
>     @UDDIService(
>               businessKey="uddi:myBusinessKey",
>               serviceKey="uddi:myServiceKey",
>               description = "Hello World test service")
>     @UDDIServiceBinding(
>               bindingKey="uddi:myServiceBindingKey",
> description="WSDL endpoint for the hello$ {department} Service. This service is used for testing the jUDDI annotation functionality",
>               accessPointType="wsdlDeployment",
> accessPoint="http://${serverName}:${serverPort}/annotation.test/App?wsdl ")
>     @WebMethod(operationName = "Hello")
>     @WebResult(name="AppInfo")
>     AppInfo Hello(@WebParam(name="AppName") String appName);
> }
> # uddi.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <uddi>
>  <reloadDelay>5000</reloadDelay>
>  <manager name="example-manager">
>   <nodes>
>    <node>
>     <name>App</name>
>     <description>Sales jUDDI node</description>
>     <properties>
>      <property name="serverName"  value="localhost"/>
>      <property name="serverPort"  value="8086"/>
>      <property name="keyDomain"   value="juddi.my.domain.com"/>
>      <property name="department"  value="development" />
>     </properties>
> <proxyTransport>org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.InVMTransport</ proxyTransport> > <custodyTransferUrl> org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDICustodyTransferImpl</custodyTransferUrl> > <inquiryUrl>org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDIInquiryImpl</ inquiryUrl> > <publishUrl>org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDIPublicationImpl</ publishUrl> > <securityUrl>org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDISecurityImpl</ securityUrl> > <subscriptionUrl>org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDISubscriptionImpl</ subscriptionUrl> > <subscriptionListenerUrl> org.apache.juddi.api.impl.UDDISubscriptionListenerImpl</ subscriptionListenerUrl> > <juddiApiUrl>org.apache.juddi.api.impl.JUDDIApiImpl</ juddiApiUrl>
>    </node>
>   </nodes>
>   <clerks registerOnStartup="true">
> <clerk name="BobCratchit" node="default" publisher="development" password="development">
>     <class>my.domain.com.juddi.ws.AppImpl</class>
>    </clerk>
>   </clerks>
>  </manager>
> </uddi>
> --
> Kveðja/Regards
> Gunnlaugur Sigurðsson
> gunnlaugur...@gmail.com
> Mobile: (+354) 896-7963
> Home: (+354) 565-5229


Gunnlaugur Sigurðsson
Mobile: (+354) 896-7963
Home: (+354) 565-5229

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