I've never used punch cards. I was born in 1970. I've seen drives the size of telephone books, but we were using them as doorstops.
When I think of my C and C++ programming days, I am sure glad Java and Python are around.
Rick Hightower
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] fun with Ant: new Review of Jython book

Oh the stories.  Since my first program on punched cards in College in 1970, I have seen and done many things that make the current hair count an amazing feat.  Like exploiting a memory bug to create records that spanned cylinders on drums....or knowing that a jumper when cut or removed would double your hard disk capacity from 15 MB to 30 MB and save $30,000 and the drives were the size of Washing Machines....oh the days.  I remember seeing at a trade show the first 3.5" 300MB Winchester Drive and I thought...no way anybody will ever get more into that and of course when it got down to $1.00/MB I thought...that's it no more room for profit...now its less than $1.00/GB   Boy I am feeling old.


At 02:53 AM 7/30/2002 -0700, you wrote:
No... but I once wrote a TSR in C with some assembly that would occasionally wipe out my bios. I did fix it eventually..... Da#n that pointer arithmetic. Every time it wiped it out, I had to reconfigure my bios settings... Ugh! I wrote the TSR just for fun too. As it turns out, TSR were on their way out at the time. Da#n Windows. DOS rules!
Oh yeah I left a computer out in my car once (a 50lb "portable computer" that I bought at WeirdStuff next to first Fry's Electronics in Sunnyvale CA; 8088 rules!).... when I plugged it back in the condensation short circuited the board and all the magic smoke left the ICs. At least I don't have to worry about condensation in AZ.
Rick Hightower
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Oliver
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] fun with Ant: new Review of Jython book

yea but did you also manage to change your password at the same time or remap your keyboard???



At 04:20 PM 7/29/2002 -0700, you wrote:
I wrote an Ant build today that deleted my source files.
In the words of Homer Simpson: DOH!
Some guy at about.com wrote a review of my newest book:
------ text from review --------

Jython (Python) Programming with the Java Class Libraries, by Richard Hightower  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

ISBN 0201616165 Guide Rating -    4 stars (out of 5)

Pros  "  covers Java streams, Swing and database functionality

"  rich in sample code and practical example applications

"  does not require any previous knowledge of Jython / Python  

Cons  "  omits coverage of integrating Jython and Java unit testing frameworks

"  contains various small factual errors and inconsistencies

"  poor choice of cover art

The Bottom Line - A good book for Java developers who want to improve their productivity by incorporating Jython into their work.

 Product Description 

"  Chapters 1-5 present an overview of the Jython / Python programming language. 

"  Chapters 6-7 explain basic concepts of object-oriented programming, including exceptions. 

"  In Chapters 8-10, the fundamentals of Jython files, strings, and built-in functions are reviewed. 

"  Chapter 11 introduces the basics of interfacing Jython with Java. 

"  Chapter 12 illustrates working with Java streams from Jython. 

"  Chapters 13-16 focus on utilizing Java user interfaces and graphics, Swing and AWT, from Jython. 

"  Chapter 17 demonstrates the use of Java SQL and JDBC functionality from Jython. 

"  Chapter 18 shows how to implement Java applets using Jython. 

"  Appendices document how to install Jython, using regular expressions, and more about scripting. 

Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries - A Jython Tutorial

This book introduces the programming language known as Jython. Jython is an implementation of the Python language designed for use with the Java Virtual Machine.

Jython allows Java developers to increase their productivity and overcome some of the limitations of Java. With Jython, for example, one can quickly implement modules that use collections or regular expressions, without compromising on object-oriented principles and portability. More importantly, Jython supports extending Java applications and gluing together of multiple related systems.
The author provides numerous detailed code examples on a wide range of programming topics, from user interfaces to databases.

Rick Hightower

Michael Oliver
Chief Technology Officer
AppsAsPeers LLC
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It that's not enough there are more proprietary networks you can get me on but if you aren't on them...too bad...you just have to use one of these.

Michael Oliver
Chief Technology Officer
AppsAsPeers LLC
7391 S. Bullrider Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85747
520.574.1150 Voice
520.844.1036 Fax
520.270.8862 Cell
http://www.appsaspeers.com Home Page
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo Instant Messenger
MikeOliverAZ Aol Instant Messenger
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jabber Instant Messenger
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Odigo Instant Messenger

It that's not enough there are more proprietary networks you can get me on but if you aren't on them...too bad...you just have to use one of these.

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