Hi all,
I would like to offer a presentation for December's topic covering Object-Relational mapping tools.

Some of the tools I would be reviewing will be:
Castor (castor.exolab.org)
Hibernate (http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/)
Torque (jakarta.apache.org/turbine/torque)
OJB (jakarta.apache.org/ojb)
TJDO (http://tjdo.sourceforge.net/)

Personally I think that this is more than enough to review in an hour, however if you feel that one of these should be supplanted with another *better* candidate, let me know.

If this is selected as the next topic. I would like some specific questions asked now, so I can prepare the answers for the presentation.

Basic format will probably be something like this:
An example schema (probably more than 2 tables, maybe one many-to-many relationship) for each (if any of you has a real-world schema they would like seen, please send to me - less work ;-).
Grid showing feature-comparison
Advantages and Disadvantages to each.


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