
But I'd add EJB/CMP if you're familiar enough with it to compare it to the

--- Tim Colson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like to offer a presentation for December's topic covering 
> > Object-Relational mapping tools.
> An emphatic +1 :-)
> > Some of the tools I would be reviewing will be:
> > Castor (castor.exolab.org)
> > Hibernate (http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/)
> > Torque (jakarta.apache.org/turbine/torque)
> > OJB (jakarta.apache.org/ojb)
> > TJDO (http://tjdo.sourceforge.net/)
> I'm most interested in Hibernate and TJDO personally, but might be worth
> adding this project to just the comparison grid:
> jRelationalFramework version 2.0
> http://jrf.sourceforge.net/
> The author of SimpleORM has this document that might be a good starting
> point for some comparisons:
> http://www.uq.net.au/~zzabergl/simpleorm/ORMTools.html
> > Personally I think that this is more than enough to review in 
> > an hour, 
> Agree.  Perhaps on the list there are other folks who have intimate
> experience with one or more of these technologies already? Could split
> things up to multiple folks, but work on the same example scenario?
> > If this is selected as the next topic. I would like some specific 
> > questions asked now, so I can prepare the answers for the 
> > presentation.
> 1) Is it easy to use?
> 2) Is it easy to use? ;-)
> 3) Does it impose any constraints on the DB design? (or conversely, will
> it work with a schema that you didn't design, wouldn't have designed,
> and was just plain designed by a raving lunatic...but now can't be
> changed?)
> 4) Does it adapt well to changes in schema?
> 5) Does it have cacheing built in?
> 6) How query-intensive is it? (i.e. how many queries does it take to
> restore a listed of objects that have nested objects)
> Looking forward to this!
> Tim
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