> Are you talking about WebOGNL?  Which website intro?  

ognl.org -> click on OGNL...read down the page a bit...

"One of my pet peeves has always been what I call "garbage code". This
is code that is written purely to satisfy a framework's API requirements
(Struts is my current target in this area). This means, for example,
something like a Struts Action that has to have a Java class that
subclasses Action and implements what it probably a trivial piece of
code and returns a forwarding action. If the action is truly more than a
one-liner then it deserves to be in it's own method, but most of the
time you are just setting up another page or modifying some state and
returning the same page...."

That was the bit that sort of soured me... the intro seemed to wander
off into a mudslinging rant against Struts. 

And then the counter-example seems to suggest a Model 1 solution. Oh, I
realize OGNL may not be Java code... but still, the view in that example
somehow must know about the App Session and a count stored therein.
Yikes. I'm much more anal about my MVC separation than that....and my
Struts actions are nicely laid out and non-trivial I assure you. ;-)

Plus... I don't use JSP anymore, just Velocity templates + Struts.

So the view in my webapp wouldn't be this:
<%= request.getSession().getAttribute("count") %>

...rather, it would be simply: $count
And the link would be: <a href="$LINK2_INCREMENT_COUNTER">


> projects and it always (and I mean ALWAYS) means reduced amounts of 
> "garbage code".
"One man's garbage, is another man's treasure." <grin>


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