At 10:38 AM 9/14/2004, you wrote:
The moment we've all been waiting for has almost arrived... time to drink

Err, well... okay, before that, we have a mini-preso from Dennis Sosnoski on
SWT and possibly Swing client stuff. (And just to spice things up, Tim will
have a Flex and Flex-Builder demo running before the start of the meeting.)

Hey cool! I was fooling around with Flex a couple of weeks ago
(before being diverted by real work). It's a fascinating system
for creating "rich clients" (the latest terminology: because it's much
better to be 'rich' than 'fat':). Powerful but proprietary technology,
and a little expensive, but well worth a look. Thanks Tim!

And of course, let us not forget the main event, the smack-down of
generations, the Framework battle royale! The articulate and wise Robert
Zeigler will tell us why we should all be using _Tapestry_ for webapps, and
how to do it. :-)

If you want donuts... send me an email... but the beer is your own
responsibility. <grin>


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