My $.02:

I'm interested in Groovy and Jython as complements to Java;
since both allow use of Java class libraries. Jython appears to
be dead, almost no activity for well over a year. Groovy has some
interesting concepts (I was able to write a DB query which produced
XML in about 5 lines of code) but it doesn't strike me as
ready for prime time. Maybe because of its lack of documentation.

I would love to hear someone who knows more speak on either of these.

Also, how about a series of short (15 min) presentations on favorite
low-cost (or free) tools. I would volunteer for one of these in Dec
(may be traveling during Nov meeting :(   I can demonstrate the
Oxygen XML tool or the DB Visualizer tool.

Also, what about this Prevayler persistance thing? Anyone play
with that yet?

At 07:49 AM 10/28/2004, you wrote:
Hi all,
Was reading a blog this morning and came across some interesting projects which got me thinking about some possible presos if anyone is interested in taking these on:
Ruby preso - any Ruby users out there?
Python preso
Ruby on Rails - (which Basecamp has been migrated to -
Trails (A Tapestry impl, just starting of Ruby on Rails) -
Naked Objects -
Groovy -

Would love to hear other suggestions.


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