XPCOM is a cross-platform (X-P) implementation of COM. (Are you enlightened now?) I'm no expert on COM, but I think it's a language-neutral way of writing and accessing software modules. It's built on interfaces (expressed in idl) and reference counting. Before i make more of an idiot of myself, let me defer to

The point is, mozilla exposes a lot of functionality through XPCOM-accessible objects and interfaces [*], and now that this guy has written java bindings, java developers should be able to a) consume this functionality and b) extend mozilla by writing java classes. That's the high level answer to your question. The reason I said I'd like to do a preso is to force myself to provide a low-level answer...

* though less than before. it turns out that over-using COM leads to slow, bloated code that requires memory bloat, prevents compiler optimization, and plays havoc with current hardware branch predictors. But it's not all bad, as far as i know.

Warner Onstine wrote:
What is XPCOM again? What is it used for? (Or I guess better, what can it be used for?)


On Dec 2, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Andrew Huntwork wrote:

http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/extensions/java/xpcom/tests/ TestArray.java

maybe it wouldn't be too hard to write some java code that uses mozilla's networking library (asynchronous, multithreaded, supports many protocols) (I hope that's a correct characterization), or screws around with a DOM from a web page (or the mozilla UI), or any number of other things. I'm going to play around with this and hopefully do a preso at some point, unless there is widespread disinterest...

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