>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> tomcat,apache httpd, tapestry, struts, ant, and bcel have all made my job
> or my hobby easier at one time or another.  i'm sure other apache.org
> projects have made other people's work easier.  i care oh so very little
> about whether these or other projects are evil or disfunctional.


> no one forces me to use any of them.

Really?  You work in a place where it's *not* dictated that you use them
(or, contrapositively, you e.g., "can't afford" e.g., good solutions)?  Or
do you only use them on your own pet projects but not at work?  Or what?

I'm seeing more and more projects relying on more and more F/OSS software
being forced based upon the nominal, perceived cost (i.e., zero :-) rather
than on the fully-burdened cost.


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