I need a task and calendaring program that:
        1) Will synch to a central file (preferably via ssh to my server, but
if I have to manually copy a few files up and down it is OK as I can just
write a script to get the latest copy on machine start up and upload changes
on shut down)
        2) Can be run on windows (without admin privileges is preferable, but
can live without)
        3) Can be run on OS X
        4) Can be run on other *nix's
        5) The task list needs to be tiered, such that I can put down
something like Arrange RSS Conference and then underneath it put subtasks
like, Arrange Location, Arrange Speakers, Arrange Venders, etc.  And under
those put tasks like Arrange Location -> UAC Conference Room, TCC Auditorium,

I have seen pluggins for outlook that do this, but I need something a bit more
portable.  Any suggestions, keeping in mind I am a poor starving college

I am more then willing to dump everything I have now and start with a new
system if it meets the requirements above.  Heck if I can get a task list that
does reminders I can dump the calendaring requirement as well. 

Any suggestions would be most appreciative

(Yes, I have thought about just programming one in JAVA myself, but I hardly
have the time)

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