I prefer to be build-platform agnostic and have the best of both worlds. I use Maven for the script/pom/property inheritence, site generation, plugins (or at least the ones that don't suck horribly), and the wonderful dependency management.

However, I can always fall back on an Ant task (Maven runs them fine) if that's the path of least resistance (which it is in this case).

Then again, there is usually about once every month or two that Maven makes my life so incredibly difficult that I bust a vein cursing it, usually trying to figure out how to make Jelly do some simple task. But that's not too often...

As for documentation, both Maven's and Ant's sucks to some extent, but it a heck of a lot better than nothing, and both have helped me many times.

-- Chad

Drew Davidson wrote:

Chad Woolley wrote:

Does anyone know how to prevent the Ant propertyfile task from randomly rearranging your property file and whacking all the comments?

rm -fr $ANT_HOME

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