Hello Tim, 

Welcome to the Swing world.  What your asking for has been done exactly 
1,345,345.76 times (I
looked it up).  Your talking about binding a JTable to a ResultSet, then 
implementing the
wizz-bang features like multiple column sorting, filtering, finding, etc.  For 
as many times as
it's been done, you would think somebody would have written a library.  Maybe 
its a part of the
unofficial Swing baptism specified by the Illuminati.  Here in the Swing world 
we also have a
great selection of fine craft microbrews.  Enjoy and good luck.


--- "Tim Colson (tcolson)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You guessed it, this probably has nothing to do with Java. Go ahead, ban
> me from the list. :-P
> I'm looking for something that smells like MS Access (or better)
> Filemaker that enables a nitwit (i.e. end user) to flip data around,
> edit it, import/export it... solution must be multi-user, and can't be
> web-based. 
> The tool must be ridiculously snappy because it will compete for
> mindshare with Excel...even though we all know Excel is for flippin'
> calculations... not manipulating tables of data...but that's how people
> use it...they filter, they sort, they copy/paste, they fill-down. It is
> what it is. Excel is a better mousetrap for most folks.
> You might say, "Well...then just flippin' use MS Access + SQL
> Server...<and go away from this Java User Group list, ya foolhardy
> nitwit!>" 
> Bzzzz. SQL Server isn't an option. 
> There's gotta be some desktop app that does some of the neat trickery
> that the http://www.dabbledb.com folks do in a webapp... something that
> will run cross-platform and connect to Oracle or MySQL for data.
> Yes...I realize what I'm asking about is a 4GL Client/Server app. Go
> ahead and tell me why that's stupid you must...and I'll ignore it with
> as much aplomb as I can muster. <grin>
> Cheers,
> Timo

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