Dabbledb is pretty slick.  If you haven't watched the demo check it out.
It's written in smalltalk too (squeak).

On Jul 28, 2006, at 10:46 AM, Chad Woolley wrote:

Just out of curiosity, why isn't dabbledb a contender?

On 7/27/06, Tim Colson (tcolson) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You guessed it, this probably has nothing to do with Java. Go ahead, ban me
from the list. :-P

I'm looking for something that smells like MS Access (or better) Filemaker
that enables a nitwit (i.e. end user) to flip data around, edit it,
import/export it... solution must be multi-user, and can't be web- based.

The tool must be ridiculously snappy because it will compete for mindshare with Excel...even though we all know Excel is for flippin' calculations...
not manipulating tables of data...but that's how people use it...they
filter, they sort, they copy/paste, they fill-down. It is what it is. Excel
is a better mousetrap for most folks.

You might say, "Well...then just flippin' use MS Access + SQL Server...<and
go away from this Java User Group list, ya foolhardy nitwit!>"

Bzzzz. SQL Server isn't an option.

There's gotta be some desktop app that does some of the neat trickery that the http://www.dabbledb.com folks do in a webapp... something that will run
cross-platform and connect to Oracle or MySQL for data.

Yes...I realize what I'm asking about is a 4GL Client/Server app. Go ahead and tell me why that's stupid you must...and I'll ignore it with as much
aplomb as I can muster. <grin>


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