Hi Dennis,

Thank you for the reply.

I agree that focus on XML as the message is key. How the message is delivered is a subsidiary issue. You could even say that applications that have multiple delivery mechanisms (SMTP, JMS, HTTP, etc.) are better as they are more flexible and adaptable.

I started to look at WOA just after I submitted an article to FTP for publication (next week) on building Ajax applications with NetKernel. One of the assertions I make is that with NetKernel you can view the server-side code as series of web surfaces (URI addressing of resources, composition of resources from finer-grained resources, etc. all the way to the database). What struck me about WOA was that might be an interesting analog at the enterprise level. I'm still trying to sort that out and that's why I posted the question to this group.

I like your comment about POX (I had not heard that term before). The more I look at "XML as the message" with respect to systems design, the more I realize that with a solid/complete XML tool chain one does not need to bind to Java objects. The RDMBS -> XML and then XML -> XML/XHTML/JSON transformations can all be done without ever binding to or using Java objects. So, it sounds like we are in agreement - the POX approach, using an appropriate delivery mechanism, is simple, flexible, etc. And developing POX applications can be simple and not even require Java objects.

Interesting stuff...


On Sep 14, 2006, at 9:38 PM, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Hi Randy,

There's a lot of confusion over terminology in this area. REST is a particular approach to working with distributed resources, and most of what's being done under the name of REST doesn't actually match the rules. What's really becoming popular is POX - Plain Old XML, exchanged using any convenient protocol (HTTP, TCP, SMTP, etc.). POX approaches offer much of the flexibility of SOAP Web services without requiring complex frameworks to implement.

WOA seems an inappropriate restriction to HTTP, so I don't really see this as a big innovation.

 - Dennis

BTW, I'm going to be passing through Tucson tomorrow afternoon and again on Monday afternoon. If anyone has some needs in the Web services realm I'd be glad to stop by and discuss.

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA, Web Services, and XML
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Randolph Kahle wrote:
Anyone following the discussion about "WOA"?

Here is a link to a discussion about it:




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