On 9/21/06 11:51, "Tim Colson (tcolson)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do we all buy into XML? For two good reasons -- it's plain text that
> is both human readable and usually understandable, even without a
> schema. JSON provides the same thing. I'm not going to argue JSON v.s.
> XML smackdown... just pointing out that it seems like another rationale
> option for services.

XML was ok(barely) if you were just dealing with DOM on the client; at least
the semantics and paradigm resembled one another.  As soon as it became
apparent the way to communicate with the client was via Javascript
(upstream/downstream) then JSON is the only alternative.

Not only is JSON more compact but it allows more expression:
{"proof":function(){ alert("can't be done easily in XML and not directly!");
} }

Not to mention you end up doing the DOM in Javascript whichever transport
you choose...... soo


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