Microsoft calls it Society 11 and its XML based

On Sep 21, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Art Gramlich wrote:

We're calling it Society 3.0 now.

On Sep 21, 2006, at 1:19 PM, josh zeidner wrote:

--- Michael Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok since any sort of frivolity is frowned upon by
some, let's get serious.

Call it "govern themselves" or "sensorship" or
"standards" or "regulations",
etc. but the problem with that is who decides?  If a
discussion thread
starts off on AJAX relative to Java and someone
interjects some .NET code
examples, is that "off topic" enough?  Who decides?

  I might be completely off base here, but would THE

  If been running into more than one situation lately
where the leaders of tech groups are playing 'the
wizard behind the curtain' with the public.  The
leader decides what is valid and what is not.  If
anyone says something akin to 'this is Society 2.0'
they are going on the idiot list.  I am absolutely fed
up with this drippy anarcho sophistry that has taken
center stage in technology politics in the past few


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