Hi Andrew,

Many thanks for your quick reply, and in particular for your information with 
the link.? It's really frustrating working in isolation here in France, without 
any person able to help me with my various questions, so I've had to use books 
and the Internet to get all my information.? Basically I started with Glassfish 
and server-side programming completely from scratch when I started here in 
October.? However, the positive side of my situation is that nobody here knows 
how I'm writing the code or understands what I'm doing, they only see the end 
result, so if I goof up, which I've done often, they don't see my silly 
mistakes, and I just say there is a bug which I'm trying to fix!

I first worked on this project here a year ago, but they were unable to provide 
a computer to host the website, due to delays in getting the required funds, 
and I didn't have a laptop with Linux on it.? Moreover there was not much in 
the way of tools,?so when I first started I didn't know what server technology 
to use, so I developed all the client-side code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by 
hand using Notepad and a couple of browsers.? When I got Glassfish running in 
the fall, I already had my forms wired up using JavaScript and DOM, and rather 
than rewriting the client-side code from scratch, I modified the JavaScript to 
that I could concatenate the values from the various input fields on a page, 
then used the DOM to write to a separate JSF form I have at the bottom of a 
page.??No doubt there is a much better way of doing this, but I wanted to take 
advantage of what I had already coded and debugged.

I have a bean that picks up the concatenated input, parses it, and sends the 
output to a directory which is periodically scanned by a Linux script, which 
then calls some FORTRAN code written by one of the people here.? Originally I 
wanted a bean to invoke C via the JNI, from which FORTRAN can be called, or 
invoke a Linux script from Java, and I found out how to do?both of these?and 
got some code to work.? However, the powers that be and their mentality on 
security meant neither of these methods were acceptable.

On a completely different subject, I spent a couple of weeks last month 
learning some Flash, and put together my first attempt at 
http://csharp.com/mirrors.html , the idea coming from a T-shirt design at 
Steward Observatory.

Yes, many thanks, I also certainly look forward to meeting you in person at the 
next JUG meeting after I get back to Tucson.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: jug-discussion@tucson-jug.org; Christopher Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 5:25 pm
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] Server now running

Hi Christopher, 

Congratulations on getting your application up. I look forward to looking it 

For JSF file upload, the Apache Myfaces project provides several sets of 
components. In particular, I find the Tomahawk components invaluable for JSF 
development. The Tomahawk components also conveniently include a file upload 
component. See?http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/fileUpload.html for details.

In way of demonstration, in my application I have:

<t:inputFileUpload value="#{productInfoView.customImageFile1}" storage="file"/>

In my backing bean, this maps to?private UploadedFile customImageFile1;

UploadedFile is an abstract type provided by Tomahawk that provides storage for 
all components of an uploaded file.

That should get you started.

I look forward to meeting you in person at the Tucson JUG.




On Feb 29, 2008, at 9:06 AM, Christopher Sharp wrote:

Hi Andrew,

I've completed most of my work here and plan to return to Tucson on March 18.? 
The server is now up and running at http://phoenix.ens-lyon.fr/simulator/ , but 
some debugging is still required.? It's been really difficult, as I've been 
effectively working on my own for the last few months.? I don't think anybody 
in the astronomy department here knows Java, and I don't know anybody in Lyon 
who knows Java Server Faces, although there must be some, so for the last few 
months I've had to learn the hard way from books and Google on my own.

One last hurdle is to figure out how to program Glassfish to enable one to 
incorporate file uploads in a web page.? Chapter 13 of Core JavaServer Faces by 
Geary and Horstmann goes into some detail on this, but in fact too much detail, 
and I would most appreciate some advice on code that is as simple as possible 
to perform this task.

There is a chance I may be back in France later in the spring or the summer to 
continue some of my work here for a few more months, but in the mean time I'm 
looking into possible jobs in Arizona and New Mexico.? What I'm also interested 
in doing after I get back to Tucson is to get more familiar with a number of 
aspects of JSF and certainly plan to attend further JUG meetings after I get 


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