Java Service Wrapper -

On Oct 10, 2008, at 10:09 AM, Andrew Barton wrote:

Hi Daniel,

Sounds like a very interesting project, but this is not my area of expertise. I primarily work on java web applications. I have never installed a java process as a service.

But, perhaps this is a good question to bring to the next JUG discussion. Someone in the group may have an idea.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance,


On Oct 10, 2008, at 8:11 AM, Mayhew, Daniel wrote:


Thank you for your kind words.

Here is a description of my project:

The project I'm working on is related to CatCard, particularly the mag stripe. I needed an excuse to code while I was working so I decided to write a program that would be useful to the CatCard office. I sell departments mag stripe readers that I program to output specific data depending on whether they need to search a database based on UID, ISO, or name. The reader outputs the data as if a user had typed it into the keyboard. That works fine for the most part, but here at the CatCard office they need to search different databases that are all using different keys; i.e. some need to search by name, some ISO, some UID, and some ISO+000. In order to facilitate this I wrote a program that will allow the reader to remain in its default state (output everything on the stripe) and then chop up the data and display it in text boxes with a "copy to clipboard" button next to each. I added some other features that make it more convenient to use such as pre-selection so the user can determine in advance what element should be pasted to the clipboard so they don't have to press the "copy to clipboard" button every time.

This works great, however, what I really want the program to do is be transparent to the user unless they need to change the output (from UID to ISO, for example). To do this I would need to have the program run as a service, to differentiate input from the keyboard and the mag stripe reader (USB API?), and to determine what window has focus and paste the data into that window's text field (the window is either going to be a search dialog box or a text editor like Word or Textpad).

So, there it is. I'm trying to make it so the user can change the output of a mag stripe reader on the fly without reprogramming the reader and the process by which the data gets output is transparent to the user.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dan Mayhew
University of Arizona
CatCard Office
From: Andrew Barton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [jug-discussion] Next week's meeting

I second your suggestion that we begin meeting with a discussion of issues and interesting things we have run across. This could even result in future discussion topics / presentations.


On Oct 9, 2008, at 4:32 PM, William H. Mitchell wrote:

At 03:58 PM 10/9/2008, Dan Mayhew wrote:

I'm a newbie that would like to get involved with JUG in order to improve my skills (I'm a 2nd year CS student).

I compliment you on your initiative. I'd personally like to see more such forward-looking students.

I also have a project that I need some advice on. Would I be able to take 5 minutes or less of your time and show you what I'm working on? I'd like to see if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Sounds reasonable to me, assuming we get a meeting together. And/ or post it to the list, for a wider base.

I've often thought it would be interesting to start meetings with a quick circle around the room to give people a chance to seek real- time advice on issues they currently face and/or pass along useful things they've recently come across.

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Andrew Barton
eBlox, Inc.

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Andrew Barton
eBlox, Inc.

512.867.1001 x101

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