On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Richard Hightower
> For now I will stick to Java and Groovy with glee in my heart that I can get
> paid for something that I love to do.

Damn, didn't mean for the trollfest to turn ugly.  But it's fun to watch.

Anyway, Rick, a few points:

1. I get paid to write Ruby, and I enjoy it more than I ever enjoyed
writing Java.  But, as Kit said, I also work with a lot of really
cool, REALLY smart people.  I worked with some really cool smart
people when I was doing Java, but just a few of them, not a LOT of
them.  Smartness was the exception rather than the rule in standard
java developers, in my experience.  In Ruby it seems to be the
opposite.  I'm a biased troll, though...

2. I could care less what most developers in the world write (mostly
outsourced/offshore/corporate maintenance drones I bet, but I can't
back this up...).  This is the nature of the adoption curve.

3. You've conveniently ignored my point about JRuby being able to take
advantage of both the Java and Ruby ecosystems.  Ruby has tons of
sweet, cutting-edge, actively maintained, frequently-released,
supremely hackable open source tools, libraries, and frameworks, which
is facilitated by things like RubyGems and widespread GitHub adoption.
 When those don't work for you for some reason, JRuby lets you plug in
any proven, performant, scalable Java library.  As I said, language
preference and market share aside, don't you agree this is a
compelling advantage of JRuby?

Remember, I love you all.  I just love to troll too :)

-- Chad

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