I wrote everything with a smile... I am very happy. And I am glad you are
happy. Emotions don't come through emails very well.

On 12/10/08 6:01 AM, "Kit Plummer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow.  It is very hard for me to realize that you don't get the "Java
> is dead" joke.
> I'm not quite sure what your intent here is - maybe you feel the need
> to protect your Java turf.
> Listen man, you obviously think you have some deserved box here.
> That's cool with me.
> It is interesting that all I said (in defense of Ruby, not a
> protagonist position) was that I believed Ruby devers were (in
> general) happier than Java devers.  Thanks for proving my point.
> Kit
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 11:22 PM, Richard Hightower wrote:
>> Ha. I am no troll. This is a Java list after all. I am quite un-
>> trollish in
>> saying that Java is not dead on a Java list and using evidence to
>> support my
>> assertion of the un-deadness of Java.
>> Your evidence... "Ruby makes me happy and only cool people use
>> Ruby". Wow...
>> Convincing. Sign me up, I really want to be cool and happy.
>> Or do you not know the definition of a troll. Let me sum it up for
>> you. If
>> on a java mailing list, you say that Java is dead, then you are troll.
>> Let me repeat since you are so cool....
>> Saying that Java is dead on a Java list is the very definition of
>> troll. Get
>> it. Look in the mirror. See that... Troll.
>> Comments below....
>> On 12/9/08 8:02 PM, "Kit Plummer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Ha.  Sucka.
>>> I'm no Ruby zealot.   You have sadly, and quite immaturely,
>>> mistaken a
>>> few assertions for a stance.
>> I don't think so. You made the assertion that Java was dead. Thus my
>> diatribe, which was on point.
>>> I have enjoyed working with Ruby (when
>>> it happens), eclectic as the community is - but, I don't really care
>>> what language I have to work with as long as the people around me are
>>> cool.
>> I am really cool. If you don't think so, just ask my mom.
>>> The nice thing about being eclectic though is you don't care
>>> who wins or loses.  I'm not sure why you think this is a game, or
>>> even
>>> a debate.
>> No I don't. I am not the one declaring Ruby is dead. Kettle, pot
>> black.
>>> Surely, you see the irony in you taking (seemingly personal) offense
>>> to the "Java is dead" stick as well as your feeble attempt to start
>>> dissin' on me like I'm a 20-something Ruby twerp from Phoenix.
>> I never dissed you as I never said anything personal about you (at
>> least not
>> anything bad with the exception of the troll comment but that was
>> more a
>> clarification so as to identify what a troll is, i.e., you not me).
>> Seems I
>> only talked about Ruby and you are the one who came back with personal
>> attacks.
>> I never put "you" in my assertions as feeble at they were. :)
>> "I look at Ruby and laugh. I am happy that you can be
>> paid to do Ruby development if that is what floats your boat, but I
>> do not
>> like Ruby."
>> Notice the distinction. I am for you, but I don't like Ruby. I guess
>> I am
>> not cool and hip. Oh well. I prefer well paid and well fed. Oh and I
>> hate
>> Ruby as much as most Java developer hate VB.
>>> Your 'mvn jetty:run' point is lame.   Oh, only if ever thing were a
>>> webapp.
>> I mostly work on webapps. Don't most Ruby developer's mostly work on
>> webapps? Are there a lot of Ruby desktop apps? What kind of apps are
>> you
>> developing with Ruby? I mean I realize it is a general purpose
>> language, but
>> isn't most of its growth tied to developing webapps? It is not like
>> I went
>> completely off topic. Is it?
>>> But, comparing Java to Michael Phelps has to be the most
>>> ridiculous thing I've read in a long, long time.
>> Almost as ridiculous as saying "Java is Dead" when in 4 short months
>> it grew
>> by more than the entire Ruby market.
>>> Though, giving in a
>>> second's thought - Phelps is quite literally a freak of nature.  So,
>>> I'll give you that Java (JVM, language + platform) is a freak of
>>> technology.
>> Got it. Ruby is cool and Java is a freak of nature. At least, only I
>> say
>> ridiculous things. Seems to be that I don't have a monopoly on
>> ridiculous at
>> least not on this list.
>>> Please don't "bite" again...spare us your drivelish-trolling.  Though
>>> I'm sure Chad would love for more Javites to make fools of
>>> themselves.
>> Yes. It is not like I am on a Ruby mailing list screaming how much I
>> love
>> Java. Because that would be complete "drivelish-trolling".
>> It is not like I am on a Java list declaring that Java is dead. It
>> is not
>> like I am such a troll for saying on a Java list that Java is not in
>> fact
>> dead.
>> JRuby is cool. It should bring some stability to all the coolness and
>> happiness in the Ruby community.
>> I prefer Groovy to JRuby. I will admit this is a personal preference
>> mostly
>> do to my hatred of Ruby. I also prefer Jython to Jruby mostly
>> because I do
>> not like the Ruby syntax because I thought it was weak compare to
>> Python
>> when I was as excited to Python as you now seem to be about Ruby.
>> Python has also seen some strong growth more so than Ruby not that
>> is it a
>> contest or anything.
>> Basically as long as I can make any money doing anything else Ruby
>> will
>> remain off my list.
>>> On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:29 PM, Richard Hightower wrote:
>>>> Kit, I am damn happy. I do not like Ruby.
>>>> deploy/run/test not a problem....
>>>> mvn jetty:run
>>>> Ok... I will bite, but just this once.
>>>> When real trends start lining up with your Ruby prognostications
>>>> then I will
>>>> drink some of the Ruby flavor-aid that you guys have been spewing
>>>> for the
>>>> last three+ years. But when Java demand grows in 4 months larger
>>>> than the
>>>> entire Ruby market, I look at Ruby and laugh. I am happy that you
>>>> can be
>>>> paid to do Ruby development if that is what floats your boat, but I
>>>> do not
>>>> like Ruby.
>>>> For now I will stick to Java and Groovy with glee in my heart that I
>>>> can get
>>>> paid for something that I love to do.
>>>> I actually prefer Groovy to Python now. Groovy is everything I
>>>> wanted Jython
>>>> to be back in 1999 when I wrote Programming the Java APIs with
>>>> Jython (a
>>>> book that no one read).
>>>> When you say "Java is Dead" it sounds a lot like "Ruby has won". In
>>>> terms of
>>>> the Lamp world Ruby is dead last behind the likes of PHP, Perl and
>>>> Python.
>>>> In terms of the enterprise world, Ruby does not even show up. Ruby
>>>> has won
>>>> in the sense of a politically correct school where every kid with
>>>> two left
>>>> legs wins a race because we are all winners after all. Ruby has not
>>>> won
>>>> anything in any real sense except in the percentage of hype versus
>>>> impact in
>>>> the real world. In that sense Java is not Dead, Java is Michael
>>>> Phelps.
>>>> On 12/9/08 6:40 PM, "Kit Plummer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Umm...SpringSource is really backing Grails (which happens to
>>>>> already
>>>>> be built on Spring).
>>>> Yes in a way they are. If they backed Rails in a similar manner you
>>>> would
>>>> be all over it. Your point is moot.
>>>>> Groovy is a JSR, and so is JRuby.  JRuby
>>>>> development is also being done by Sun engineers - so I'm not sure
>>>>> what
>>>>> your point is.
>>>> The same can be said of EJB 1.0. Moot point. Sun's backing has
>>>> little
>>>> influence on success. In fact, some may say that Java success is a
>>>> fluke.
>>>> Sun sends out 100 things for every 1 that floats. Rod Johnson et al
>>>> have a
>>>> much better track record (although much smaller one).
>>>>> FWIW, Groovy was originally "invented" by James
>>>>> Strachan...who's neither a SpringSource or Sun guy, to say the
>>>>> least.
>>>> Well known fact and not disputed. Again.... Moot point. SpringSource
>>>> could
>>>> have backed some Rail turds but they choose Grail turds. This was my
>>>> point.
>>>> Grails is tied to Groovy.
>>>>> The thing that you are missing in you're quantitative analysis
>>>>> below
>>>>> is the percentage of happy developers in both camps.  I would
>>>>> assert,
>>>>> but you don't have to believe me, that there are many more happy
>>>>> Ruby
>>>>> devers than Java devers.  Not only that - but, the issue of quality
>>>>> comes into play some where too.  I won't provide an assertion
>>>>> here -
>>>>> but, it is a relative notion.
>>>> Silliness. I know plenty of Java developers that tried Ruby and
>>>> hated it.
>>>> What makes you happy does not correlate to the general population
>>>> per se.
>>>> For example, there are people in the world who are quite content
>>>> drinking
>>>> their own urine, but I would not sell my stock in Coca-Cola quite
>>>> yet.
>>>>> Don't get me wrong there is a plenty of ego on both sides of the
>>>>> fence
>>>>> here.  It is imperative that you can see past this to the real
>>>>> value -
>>>>> developmental efficiency.  There's no way Java can win - based on
>>>>> its
>>>>> code, build, deploy/run/test, code, build deploy/run/test cycle.
>>>> Prompt> mvn jetty:run
>>>> Runs the entire webapp. Starts up damn quick.
>>>> Java is the undisputed champion. Ruby is a mere pimple on the ass of
>>>> development. It will take its place in history next to.... (at this
>>>> point I
>>>> realize if I name anything... I will just piss off a whole other
>>>> group of
>>>> people....)
>>>>> Groovy helps...but, as soon as there is any level of complexity
>>>>> you'll
>>>>> be burdened with pure Java once again.
>>>> This makes no sense. Why? I have written large things in Groovy and
>>>> did not
>>>> need to revert to Java. This is silliness. Moot point.
>>>>> If for no other reason than Sun is a turd, Java is dead.
>>>> Unproven opinion, easily refuted with real evidence. Java is in no
>>>> way dead.
>>>> It will fall out of favor eventually as all things do.
>>>> Ruby will be a never was. Java will one day be a former heavy weight
>>>> champion of the world.
>>>>> Open
>>>>> sourcing Sun's version of the JVM and platform has done nothing for
>>>>> ensuring its longevity.  Only said with a slight grin.
>>>>> On Dec 9, 2008, at 7:17 PM, Richard Hightower wrote:
>>>>>> RE: Java is dead, long live the JVM.  JRuby FTW in the enterprise.
>>>>>> From May 08 to Sept 08 Java job demand grew 3 times higher (in raw
>>>>>> numbers)
>>>>>> than the total Ruby market. But let's not mere facts get in the
>>>>>> way
>>>>>> of your
>>>>>> "Java is dead" argument. Java continues to dwarf Ruby. And, Ruby
>>>>>> does not
>>>>>> seem to be picking up a lot of ground. Sure if you start from
>>>>>> zero,
>>>>>> percentage of growth sky rockets, but.... Not enough.
>>>>>> BTW I prefer Groovy, but I won't claim Ruby is dead.
>>>>>> http://www.indeed.com/jobtrends?q=java+programming%2C+ruby+programming&l=
>>>>>> http://www.indeed.com/jobtrends?q=java%2C+ruby&l=
>>>>>> I am glad to see that Spring source is backing Groovy. I wonder
>>>>>> why
>>>>>> they did
>>>>>> not back Jruby in a similar manner. Hmmmm....
>>>>>> On 12/9/08 12:04 PM, "Chad Woolley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Here's the latest performance numbers on JRuby:
>>>>>>> http://antoniocangiano.com/2008/12/09/the-great-ruby-shootout-december-2
>>>>>>> 00
>>>>>>> 8/
>>>>>>> Summary - JRuby is doing very well; came in second after Ruby
>>>>>>> 1.9;
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> compatibility is good and getting better all the time.
>>>>>>> Ok, troll time:
>>>>>>> My opinion - definitely try JRuby over Groovy.  You get all the
>>>>>>> benefits of the Java ecosystem: native calls to java libraries,
>>>>>>> JVM
>>>>>>> execution, JIT compilation, packaging, war/ear-based deployment,
>>>>>>> etc,
>>>>>>> etc.  Most importantly, however, you get a language that was
>>>>>>> designed
>>>>>>> to "make people happy".  Most Rubyists - especially those with
>>>>>>> experience in other languages - agree it achieves this goal well.
>>>>>>> As for Groovy, I still say it is an attempt to make a static
>>>>>>> language
>>>>>>> (Java) appear dynamic.  They've done a decent job, but when you
>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>> compare it to using native Ruby, the warts and sharp edges poke
>>>>>>> through.
>>>>>>> The only argument I see in favor of Groovy is integration with
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Java ecosystem, which JRuby effectively negates.  Conversely, all
>>>>>>> language or syntax preference or prejudice aside, the Ruby
>>>>>>> ecosystem
>>>>>>> is also very rich (rubygems and github), and you cannot take
>>>>>>> advantage
>>>>>>> of this with Groovy.  Why not be able to choose from the best of
>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>> worlds?
>>>>>>> Java is dead, long live the JVM.  JRuby FTW in the enterprise.
>>>>>>> -- Chad
>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Todd Ellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> One more side note.  JRuby runs on the JVM as well, and for a
>>>>>>>> while was out
>>>>>>>> performing the native Ruby interpreters. Not sure if that is
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> true.
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