If only I could write GWT code in Groovy then I would be in complete

So, you'd want to write code in a dynamic language in the browser. Hmm. Some would say that's what Javascript is for. :)

(Just imagine. Groovy compiling to Java compiling to Javascript. VM optimization nightmare!)


On May 1, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Richard Hightower wrote:

I agree with Nick.


I'd want GWT on the frontend and GAEJ/Grails on the backend. I would use
JPA/JDO talking to GAEJ datastore on the backend which I could port to
another datastore if I needed.

This is very nascent and I have not deployed an real world app yet. But if I was working on a green field app. This would be something I would consider.

I am working on an App that we are considering porting to GWT (it is
currently a SpringMVC/Ajax web app). I plan on writing a prototype graphing
package to show what is possible with GWT.

I am writing a series of articles on Google App Engine for Java for IBM. I love the idea of it. GWT on the front end makes a lot of sense to me. I prefer programming in Java and like the open nature of GWT (third party OS
components seem to abound).

The Groovy/Grails guy just added support for Grails running on GAEJ so if I
could put that into the mix even better.

If only I could write GWT code in Groovy then I would be in complete

On 4/30/09 10:52 PM, "Nick Lesiecki" <ndlesie...@yahoo.com> wrote:

java on app engine. If I didn't want to use AppEngine, I'd still do
GWT with a GWT RPC backend on the serverside. Ajax apps with RPC to
the server is the *only* way to develop web applications.

Disclaimer, I didn't write GWT, and I have more than a few complaints
about it. But it's architecture is the future of web app development.

No comment on storage. We do things differently at Google, so I'm out
of touch with "normal". We have concerns like: "is it redundant in the
face of two simultaneous data center outages?"

On Apr 30, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Warner Onstine wrote:

There are Java options for this, but why go with imitators :P?

There's FeatherDB - http://code.google.com/p/featherdb/
Project Voldemort - http://project-voldemort.com/

And I'm sure others. But I'm sticking with CouchDB as I think it has a
lot of strengths that the Java versions might not (Concurrency,
Distributable out of the box, etc.).


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Andrew Lenards
<andrew.lena...@gmail.com> wrote:
I fell victim to CouchDB's April Fools joke last year:


But it could have been two of three if that was true.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Warner Onstine <warn...@gmail.com>

I guess that's one out of three Java :P.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Warner Onstine
<warn...@gmail.com> wrote:
Grails, with Flex and CouchDB.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Andrew Lenards
<andrew.lena...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm curious for the opinion of the list.  If you started a
project to
a web application today, what would you Java technology-stack be?

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