liatnya jgn spent 1 billion on 500 million worth company

kl dibandingin dgn akuisisi bea senilai 8.5 billion ama oracle, pdhl waktu itu 
market capitalization bea 'cuma' sekitar 5 billion
atau 44.6 billion microsoft offer on yahoo yang waktu itu nilai kapitalisasi 
marketnya 'cuma' sekitar 20 billion

berarti sun 'cuma' rugi paling byk 1 billion :)

ini malah blom diliat dari peningkatan company image setelah akuisisi yg lagi 
nge-trend blkgan ini, kl sun ga ikutan bisa2 malah drop image =P


----- Original Message ----
From: Edward Yakop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 3, 2008 1:56:42 PM
Subject: Re: [JUG-Indonesia] Java 6 for Mac, finally!

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Thomas Wiradikusuma
>  i will buy MySQL myself instead JBoss if I were Sun :-)

Hehe. Saya nggak bilang kalo Sun jangan beli. Tapi wise nggak spent 1
Billion on company
yang biasanya di mata market cuma worth setengah dari itu :)

>  Sun blum punya DB stack yg solid. popular open source DB cuma MySQL
>  dan Postgre, and you can't buy Postgre (it's pure community with
>  consultancies around it). Having MySQL (and driving it wisely) bisa
>  merangkul the rest of open source non-Java (PHP being the largest).

Hopefully mereka bisa merangkul more non-java -> java in the future.
Kalo history ever teach us anything. Sun keliatannya nggak dapet monetize java,
nggak sure kenapa, cuman aneh aja.

>  at the least, I might buy it to prevent it from being bought by other
>  big guy :-)

Oh well. Terlalu banyak speculasi apa yang bakal terjadi kalo dibeli
sama other big guy.
We'll see what will happen :)

Edward Yakop


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