Gimana  kalo pada ngoprek android aja? gretong , bisa ikut IWIC lagi.

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:08 PM, adek aidi <> wrote:

> halo thomas, setuju..ngoprek n ngobrol BB di JUG juga ga apa2
> toh masih java based juga
> yuk mari..
> oh ya, kamisnya (15.10.09) saya sempat ikutan second session mereka yang
> diadain telkomsel. walaupun content materinya david dan andi sama isinya,
> tapi krn orangnya lebih sedikit jadi saya sempat menanyakan tentang
> mekanisme application deployment & distribution yang difasilitasi mereka
> (ada beberapa pilihan, spt pre load factory kek facebook, ym dll, lewat
> operartor atau lewat BB app center/ BB app wordl).
> harapan awalnya sih, third party developer / company bisa kontak langsung
> dengan RIM untuk mem-push java application nya direct ke customer. tapi andi
> (alliance manager) said impossible to do that, kecuali without through
> carrier aka operator :p atau app center/world.
> so it seems, that we still should make our own market channel, even with BB
> or other handset. cuma sisi menggembirakan nya BB market cukup meriah di
> indo. so, more challenging.
> -Adek Aidi-
> Java Developer - Mobafone Indonesia
> "Enpowering mobile media"
> -
> ---
> MobileComm Laboratory ITTelkom
> "Lead you to mobile society"
> Gd. E203 +6222 7564108 ext. 2324
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Ferdinand Neman <
>> wrote:
>> Naaaah... belom ketauan juga berapa banyak yang dev di BB.
>> Jadi mendingan kita omongin aja disini, gak akan noisy kok.
>> Salam.
>> Ferdinand Neman
>> 2009/10/19 Thomas Wiradikusuma 
>> <<>
>> >:
>> > Hi guys,
>> >
>> > A couple of days ago I attended BlackBerry Dev Day. Thanks for RIM and
>> Better-B for the invitation. Met some JUG folks too :)
>> >
>> > I chatted with their Technical Partnership Manager guy, exchanged emails
>> and they are "keen on working with local developer communities in order to
>> advocate and promote application development on the BlackBerry platform."
>> >
>> > Since BB is such a buzz in Indonesia, AND it's Java, I think it'd be
>> great if we form a group or something to share thoughts BB dev-related. My
>> questions to you guys:
>> >
>> > * Should we make a new mailing list? Why and why not?
>> > * If you don't want a new one, is it ok to talk about it in JUG
>> Indonesia? Wouldn't be too noisy?
>> >


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