Kalau negeri tetangga bayar lebih murah dari yang bule, tapi masih lebih
makmur / worthed dari negeri sendiri, pasti banyak yang minat pindah
merantau ke negeri sebelah koq. Tapi ya kalau skill nggak sebanding dengan
bulenya ya jangan komplen kalau dibayar murah... In some countries it is
somewhat illegal to offer different pay based on the country you're from
(but it is legal to offer different pay for different skill / expertise
level), and most of the multinationals won't do that anyway. The companies
pay proportionally to what they think they'll get.

Jelas company berani bayar mahal untuk sewa yang expert, kalau dia bisa
bayar expert dengan gaji 10k tapi kerjanya 5x lebih efektif dari yang
gajinya 3k... Yes, I've seen this, untuk task yang complex, there's usually
multifold productivity difference between the experienced and the
inexperienced. And the produced code differs in quality too - significantly.

Soal pengalaman dengan framework menurut saya relatif sih. Kalau
foundational knowledgenya bagus (design patterns, algorithms, coding
practice, etc.) belajar framework bukan hal yang sulit. I'd prefer to use
tools that are fit for whatever purpose I'm using it for, not limited to the
tools that I'm familiar with. Tapi kalau sewa contracting employee spesifik
untuk project ya cari yang skillsetnya cocok biar gak repot2 diajarin lagi


On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Adelwin Handoyo <adel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nah ini mindset yang gak tepat...
> Tapi emang bener sih mindset nya pada begitu..
> Import talent dari negara bule emang di anggap lebih mahal...
> Tapi yang membuat begitu sebenernya adalah employee nya juga..
> Banyakan pada mau datang ke singapore walopun hanya dengan gaji seadanya
> ato secukupnya..
> I must say.. This doesn’t really help the market...
> Tapi paling enggak.. Satu prinsip nya yang gue liat dari consulting company
> disini... Yang tepat..
> Adalah.. Skill ituh sebanding harga..
> They wouldn’t mind paying a hefty amount for the right guy with the right
> knowledge, no matter where he’s from...
> Nah soal pengalaman dengan framework..
> Bukan nya struts, spring, hibernate, ibatis, ejb is sort of already the
> standard around here? In the development world I mean...
> Justru bedanya yang gue liat disini adalah..mereka enggak ngoyo mau
> implement the newest technology just to get ahead...
> They do the right thing..(if you don’t mind me saying), they don’t
> implement a technology just for the sake of technology...
> They try anything to get the job dong...
> Contoh nya.. Kalo requirement nya batch job.. In 3 hours..
> So.. Apa pilihannya agak program nya jalan smooth and fast, and reliable..
> If it’s java.. Then be it.. Kalo pake shell and sql doang bisa as reliable,
> and even faster.. So be it..
> Damn I even know a guy who got paid like 7 grand a month for his knowledge
> in clipper and sybase...
> Now, I’m not saying that I am *that* good.. Hahahah far from it..(luck also
> played a big part :p)
> I’m not even competent enough on hibernate to help troubleshoot bugs...
> But that’s the situation..
> Skills sebanding harga..
> Dan juga karna singapore economy nya berkembang cepet banget in the last
> decade.. So.. A lot of people are flocking in....
> Just my two cents...
> *
> Adelwin Handoyo
> *- adel...@gmail.com -
> Sent from my Mac
> ------------------------------
> *From: *dir dir <sikerasa...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *JUG-Indonesia <jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com>
> *Date: *Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:02:42 +0700
> *To: *JUG-Indonesia <jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [JUG-Indonesia] Re: Lowongan Kerja di Singapore (Java
>  Developer/Team Lead/Web Developer)

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