I think you misunderstood :) Incremental Release benar untuk customer
feedback, tapi *memang* di deploy di production. That's why it's
called "release".

It is true that it comes with the risk of "barang beta dicemplungin ke
production box", but if you want real customer feedback, you have to
do it real.
Pernah denger Imvu.com? (sering ada iklannya di website pas jaman
pilem Avatar) Mereka incremental release ke production sehari bisa

Sometimes people use the word "agile" to indicate process that is not
really agile. Developing something for months (years?) without showing
anything "productionly usable" to users in between is not agile, even
tough they "collect customer feedback" and "do testing" during the
(Waterfall method *does* collect customer feedback and perform testing).

2010/6/16 Hendry Luk <hendrym...@gmail.com>
> I think lu might've misunderstood... Tujuan incremental releases tuh buat 
> gather customer's feedback.. bukan buat dideploy dan dipake di production.
> Incremental delivery != production deployment.
> Masak barang beta dicemplungin ke production box.
> Tentang phasing out legacy system... sering dipecah jadi multiple phases 
> (e.g. per business sector) buat ngurangin risk, or not... Tapi ini gak 
> berkaitan dengan development methodology apa yg lu subscribe.

salam hangat,
Thomas Wiradikusuma
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wiradikusuma
Blog: http://www.jroller.com/wiradikusuma

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