Jadi kesimpulannya satu cycle itu sampai release version, tapi tidak wajib 
deploy ke production.
Process deploy dapat saja digabungkan beberapa release item.

Kurang lebih begitu ya?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Hendry Luk <hendrym...@gmail.com>
Sender: jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 09:53:48 
To: <jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [JUG-Indonesia] Agile dan migrasi system

Lu bisa ajah deploy ke prod kalo mau, tapi itu bukan maksud dari incremental

Gw bukan agile expert.. tapi ini sih software-project common-sense ajah.
Project kita dipecah2 jadi 2 weeks iteration.. kita release tiap 2 minggu ke
staging server ato dicemplungin ke uat box... yang maksudnya buat dapet
feedback dari customer supaya mereka bisa make up their minds tentang
requirement buat 2 weeks berikutnya, dan mereka masih bisa ganti2 pikiran
sebelom terlambat. . Soalnya sekali iteration berikutnya dah dikick-off,
requirementnya dah di freeze.. lu dah gak bisa ganti apa2 sampe 2 weeks itu
selesai. Dalem agile, makin cepet lu dapet feedback makin bagus.
Sama sekali gak berarti kita ada production deployment tiap 2 minggu. In
fact, kita gak release apa2 sampe 9 bulan.

That being said, juga gak berarti lu gak bisa deploy ke production tiap 2
minggu (ato tiap 2 jam). What i was saying adalah incremental "production
deployment" itu bukan defining factor dari agile methodology.. Kalo emang
customernya gak mau deploy ke production sampe "minimum marketable feature"
nya kelar, ya gak berarti lu mesti resort ke waterfall... karna emang sama
sekali gak berhubungan.  :)

Di agile juga masih acknowledge keberadaan minimum-marketable-feature.. In
this case, customer mau lu migrate semua features di legacy system sebelom
lu bisa deploy ke prod... itu sama sekali gak imply lu mesti pake waterfall.
Maupun agile, for that matter.

Just to contrast, kalo customernya pengen lu market certain subset of core
features ke production dulu, sebelom lanjutin lagi next chunk (phase)... ya
itu yg dinamain incremental funding (IFM)... Tiap phase itu yang dinamain
IFM exists baik lu pake waterfall maupun agile.

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Thomas Wiradikusuma (milis) <
wiradikusuma.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think you misunderstood :) Incremental Release benar untuk customer
> feedback, tapi *memang* di deploy di production. That's why it's
> called "release".
> It is true that it comes with the risk of "barang beta dicemplungin ke
> production box", but if you want real customer feedback, you have to
> do it real.
> Pernah denger Imvu.com? (sering ada iklannya di website pas jaman
> pilem Avatar) Mereka incremental release ke production sehari bisa
> 50x!
> Sometimes people use the word "agile" to indicate process that is not
> really agile. Developing something for months (years?) without showing
> anything "productionly usable" to users in between is not agile, even
> tough they "collect customer feedback" and "do testing" during the
> process.
> (Waterfall method *does* collect customer feedback and perform testing).
> 2010/6/16 Hendry Luk <hendrym...@gmail.com <hendrymail%40gmail.com>>
> > I think lu might've misunderstood... Tujuan incremental releases tuh buat
> gather customer's feedback.. bukan buat dideploy dan dipake di production.
> > Incremental delivery != production deployment.
> > Masak barang beta dicemplungin ke production box.
> >
> > Tentang phasing out legacy system... sering dipecah jadi multiple phases
> (e.g. per business sector) buat ngurangin risk, or not... Tapi ini gak
> berkaitan dengan development methodology apa yg lu subscribe.
> --
> salam hangat,
> Thomas Wiradikusuma
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wiradikusuma
> Blog: http://www.jroller.com/wiradikusuma

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