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The conversation I remember from SFO was that in order to get armhf
builds on non-virtualized builders, we needed to a have a highly
restricted team which would build into a semi-private ppa and then
copy the binaries from there into the devel/stable ppas. As such, it
may be that we already have set up a staging PPA that we can give you
access to for doing releases.

At least, it sounds a lot like what you're proposing here.

On 2013-10-30 0:32, Curtis Hovey-Canonical wrote:
> Hi James, et al.
> I know an RT was just closed about setting up the Juju PPAs to
> build for armhf. I wonder if we are in an "Uh oh, spaghettios"
> moment.
> A few weeks ago there was a discussion about the risky period when
> the first package is published, and the time all packages are
> published and the juju tools are also published. There is a period
> between 15 minutes or maybe 15+ hours were users can get the latest
> Juju, but the tools are not published.
> I was just setting up PPAs for staging [1] and testing. The PPAS
> will warn users not to add them to their system. I want to build
> into those PPAs. When all packages are built and published, we
> would then assemble and publish the juju tools, then lastly copy
> the packages to the stable/devel PPA.
> Do I need to do anything more than ask webops to enable arm for
> the PPAs? Do we need another RT?
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/staging

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