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This morning I found out the bot is stuck again (my MP approved
yesterday didn't land for more than 6h). So I logged in and did the
usual to clean things up:
$ ps xa | grep mongodb (found out a mongod is stuck, so:)
$ kill -9 <mongod-pid>
$ sudo rm -fr /tmp/test-mgo* /tmp/gocheck-* /tmp/mongodb-*.sock
(just in case it runs out of /tmp space again)

Now it seems working again.

On  7.03.2014 10:03, John Meinel wrote:
> Ian brought up the bot wasn't pushing back to launchpad. The issue
> is that we were using "go get" to grab the branches, but that gives
> a plain branch. And tarmac expects them to be checkouts (so that 
> 'commit' pushes them back to LP, it doesn't do a separate push
> step).
> We've updated the charm config so that it properly binds the
> various branches, so that should be fixed.
> We also saw that a failed test left mongo running again (about 6
> hours ago), so we killed that and the bot is landing stuff again
> (currently we have a queue of about 8).
> John =:->
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 12:34 AM, Ian Booth
> <ian.bo...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> They were emailed out by John a while back. Everyone should have
>> them :-)
>> On 07/03/14 10:32, Tim Penhey wrote:
>>> On 07/03/14 07:59, Martin Packman wrote:
>>>> At second attempt, the landing bot is now running again,
>>>> moved over to lcy01. Feel free to mark any branches
>>>> 'Approved' to land them.
>>>> As part of the setup, several people's keys were added to the
>>>> tarmac machine, but most management should be possible
>>>> remotely by setting juju service config now.
>>>> First source the credentials of the juju-tools-project user:
>>>> $ source .gobotcreds
>>> You seem to have missed a key information step here.
>>> Where do you get the .gobotcreds?
>>> Tim
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- -- 
Dimiter Naydenov <dimiter.nayde...@canonical.com>
juju-core team
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