
I've just re-created my environment from MAAS and I noticed that my lxc
containers can't talk out to the world (but the world could talk back to
them, for example outbound ICMP would not work, but inbound from a
different machine on the same L2 broadcast domain - would). That obviously
broke the provisioning (since the containers couldn't curl anything)

After a little bit of looking around I found this iptables rule (in nat) on
a host freshly deployed from juju.

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 102 packets, 10926 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source
   42  2807 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      *         !

Since I used a as my base range and the LXC containers were
getting 10.0.1.x/23 addresses this rule ended up NATing all the requests to
the IP on the host - not good.

What creates this rule and what's it for in the first instance?

kind regards
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