
We had an Issue with Juju Charm store user accounts.

We developed  a Cinder storage driver charm for "Kaminario-flash based
storage arrays".

In order to interact with Juju charm store, we need to create an Ubuntu SSO
account.  Followed https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/authors-charm-store.

We pushed developed charm to Juju public charm store using Ubuntu SSO
account through CLI.

For creating Ubuntu SSO account  We used one mail id  :
harish.kannamthodath....@kaminario.com  and username as "hareeshk".

In charm store, our charm published as  "cs:~hareeshk/kaminario-cinder-10"

Our Client "Kaminario" asked us to publish the charm as
 "cs:~kaminario/kaminario-cinder-0". I mean they want us to publish charm
with "kaminario" username.

Next I permanantly deleted  Ubuntu SSO account of "hareeshk" user.

2) We created another Ubuntu SSO account by using the following information.

Email ->  "harish.kannamthodath....@kaminario.com"  and Username :

Primary ISSUE
We got one verification mail to verify the created "kaminario" user
account. Here we got some verification issue. Due to that we are not able
to do "charm login". So we permanently deleted the "kaminario" user account
to create it again.

We tried to create Ubuntu SSO account  with the same "kaminario" user  and
 "harish.kannamthodath....@kaminario.com".  But while account creation
itself given as "Kaminario already in use".

Even we permanently deleted the previously created account,  "kaminario"
 username will be stored somewhere in server cache.

How do we delete "kaminario" username from ubutnu server Cache?  My
intention is  to create a Ubuntu SSO account with Email : "
harish.kannamthodath....@kaminario.com"  and username "kaminario".  And
Then I want to push Our charm to public charm store.

Secondary ISSUE

Charm  "cs:~hareeshk/kaminario-cinder-10" still present is charm store. I
want to revoke the access permissions of this charm.  But I don't have
Ubuntu SSO account with which I pushed the mentioned charm.  Because I
deleted that account permanently. But "hareeshk" username still stored some
where in Ubuntu server cache.

How do we delete "hareeshk" username from Ubuntu server cache ? My
intention is  to create a Ubuntu SSO account with Email : "
harish.kannamthodath....@kaminario.com"  and username "kaminario". And then
I want to revoke the access permissions of the old published juju charm.

Please provide me the way to delete "kaminario" and "hareeshk" usernames
from Ubuntu server cache.

Thanks && Regards,

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 7:56 PM, SivaRamaPrasad Ravipati <si...@vedams.com>

> Hi Chris,
> Thank you .
> Regards,
> Siva.
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Chris MacNaughton <
> chris.macnaugh...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 13, 2016, at 23:02, SivaRamaPrasad Ravipati <si...@vedams.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Chris ,
>> Thank you very much. I got a very good information.
>> Sorry.  I didn't understand one thing  Clearly.
>> For the Question,
>> At a time, can I deploy two storages arrays to same cinder node?
>> Can we add two storage arrays to cinder node using the single charm?
>> description
>> =========
>> Question
>> --------------
>> For example, We  have different storage arrays of same type with unique
>> config parameter values.[Like San IP, SAN password, San user............].
>> Assume that our charm has been deployed with some configuration values
>> and we added relation to cinder. Our charm will modify cinder.cong with the
>> storage array driver. Next time we want to redeploy our charm to append
>> only the new configuration changes. But we don't want to destroy already
>> existing changes.
>> Upto which extension,  "juju set-config" and "juju upgrade-charm" will be
>> used here. Please give me a simple example if it possible.
>> For this Scenario, Which use-case will be generally used. Please let me
>> know that in a detailed manner.
>> Answer [by Marcoceppi]
>> --------------------------------------
>> In Juju, and especially with Cinder plugins, you can deploy multiple
>> copies of the Juju charm and relate them. Each application deployed is
>> equivalent to the scope of a SAN cluster:
>> juju deploy cinder
>> juju deploy your-charm san1
>> juju deploy your-charm san2
>> juju add-relation cinder san1
>> juju add-relation cinder san2
>> Now, you can configure each of the new applications, which are the same
>> copy of the charm deployed multiple times. This will add a unique backend
>> per charm copy which seems to be your intended use case
>> -> This use case worked for us.
>> But here we are deploying
>> But what I am asking here is,
>> Can I do like, Instead of deploying san1 application and san2 application
>> separately and adding relations separately
>> juju deploy cinder
>> juju deploy my-charm san1 san2
>> juju add-relation cinder san1 san1
>> No, you can not deploy things like this with Juju.
>> Thanks,
>> Siva.
>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 2:17 AM, Chris MacNaughton <
>> chris.macnaugh...@canonical.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Siva,
>>>> But I want to know about "How can we Scale Cinder nodes
>>>  To scale up Cinder, you should just have to deploy the Hacluster[1]
>>> charm and relate it to the Cinder charm. Additionally, you will need a VIP
>>> to assign to the hacluster charm.
>>>> as well as adding multiple storage arrays to the each  scaled cinder
>>>> unit horizontally".
>>> Assuming that you have a Cinder driver for your storage array, you
>>> should be able to associate it as a subordinate charm multiple times with
>>> different configs. For example:
>>> $ juju deploy cinder
>>> $ juju deploy cinder_backend_array  replicated --config=replicated.yaml
>>> $ juju deploy cinder_backend_array non-replicated
>>> --config=non-replicated.yaml
>>> $ juju deploy cinder_backend_array dedup --config=dedup.yaml
>>> $ juju add-relation cinder replicated
>>> $ juju add-relation cinder non-replicated
>>> $ juju add-relation dedup
>>> This will deploy the charm 'cinder_backend_array' with different names
>>> and configurations, and then will add them as subordinates to the Cinder
>>> charm. The Cinder charm merges backends in the configuration file by using
>>> configuration provided through the relation with the various drivers'
>>> subordinate relations.
>>>> Sub Question
>>>> --------------------
>>>> At a time, can I deploy two storages arrays to same cinder node .
>>> Yes,
>>>> Like,
>>>> $juju deploy cinder
>>>> $juju add-unit cinder -n 3
>>>> $juju deploy mystorageCharm san1 san2
>>>> $juju add relation cinder san1 san1
>>> but not like this, see the example above.
>>> [1]: https://jujucharms.com/hacluster/
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