Thanks a lot once more Konstantinos!

I followed your advice and put my environment variables in a way
similar to what the mahout charm does. I do not think that these
changes should be made to the hadoop charm as what I am doing in this
charm is to put the necessary .jar files of giraph to the hadoop
classpath. However, I also set two hadoop properties when I run my
smoke-test which might be of interest to the developers of the hadoop
charm. See the end of this line [1].

Moreover, I have just released the latest version of my charm [2]. And
I have two more questions :)

1) Should I follow some procedure to find someone to review the charm?
2) When I release my charm I get the following warning: bugs-url is
not set.  See set command. Am I supposed to set such a bugs-url? Can I
use ?



2016-11-25 12:04 GMT+02:00 Konstantinos Tsakalozos
> Hi Panagiotis,
> Nice to see you are making progress.
> To your questions:
> 1. We usually put environment variables inside /etc/environment ; giraph can
> update that file. Have a look at how we do that for Mahout [0]. Do you think
> the two variables you mention should have been there in the first place
> (possibly set by the hadoop charm)?
> 2. The set of charms you are working with deploy all files using the .deb
> packages built by the apache bigtop project. To see exactly what is going to
> be deployed you would need to break open the deb packages. This might help
> you [1].
> 3. You are right about the charm proof command. I just opened an issue
> Thank you for reporting that.
> Thanks,
> Konstantinos
> [0]
> [1]

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