On 25 January 2017 at 22:22, James Beedy <jamesbe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Trying to use the peers interface to coordinate all units of an
> application to know about each other, I find myself feeling like this
> should be a built in functionality. In other words, "tell me who my peers
> are" shouldn't turn into a giant milestone for every charm who needs to
> know what peers it has (skewed usage of peers here per Juju definition of
> peers). I feel like there are a decent number of charms/applications that
> will end up recreating this functionality independently (or already have),
> to the extent that we should probably think about making this functionality
> more built in/generic. My understanding for what a peer is, is different
> than what Juju defines a peer to be, hence we should think about defining
> some terminology around the term 'peer'. Possibly there is just a need for
> a generic 'members' interface built off the peers interface, which would do
> the coordination and caching bits, and make some basic information
> available to each member about its complimentary members?
> Thoughts?

If you want to build this API, it could be done as a charm layer. If that
sounds too heavy weight just for this, it could be squeezed into
layer:coordinator with just a little bit of squinting. It also might be
doable as an interface, so all charms declaring a peer relation using the
'members' interface name get to share your implementation, which I think
matches what you are suggesting. For it to be built into Juju, I think you
would need a more concrete suggestion and a rationale on why it is better
built in as opposed to being pulled into the charm using a reactive layer
or interface or even just a Python library in the wheelhouse.

I personally would not have found it useful, as when I've needed a peer
relation I've needed a lot more than just knowing who the peers are and
their addresses.  Maybe I should write less complex charms :)

You might find that charmhelpers.context gives you enough to keep you happy
- context.Relations().peer gives you a dictionary of peer -> relation data,
and context.Relations().peer.local is a dictionary of the local peer
relation data that you can update (but note that the design has a bug in
it, as it assumes there is a single peer relation while in reality charms
can have multiple peer relations. You will consistently get the same peer
relation, but it might not be the one you expect).

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bis...@canonical.com>
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