My snap is pending review. In the meantime you can try with:

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 6:38 PM John Meinel <> wrote:

> We should as soon as I have it landed in the 2.1 branch and CI starts to
> run we can use it's deb.
> John
> =:->
> On Mar 9, 2017 09:48, "Patrizio Bassi" <> wrote:
> Fantastic job John!
> do you have a .deb i can already test on my environment?
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-09 16:24 GMT+01:00 John Meinel <>:
> I do have a fix up for review:
> And I have tested it live against a local maas, though my maas doesn't
> have multiple interfaces, I can see the bindings get requested
> appropriately and not fail with the "empty binding name" failure.
> I'm pushing to get a 2.1.2 out to include this fix once it lands for
> review and CI, etc. If it all goes well then 2.1.2 will be out later this
> week.
> John
> =:->
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 8:40 AM, Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> @John
> great. i'm using juju 2.1.1 and maas 2.1.3.
> Regarding the's not a matter of a particular charm, it's a
> matter of all (i will deploy openstack-telemetry charm with some
> modifications), because when we allocate a machine with juju i would like
> it to pick a public (dns) name, the one on the --bind <space>, no matter
> which extra binding is declared in the charm, if any.
> Plus: i would even add another option, such as bind to a particular net
> interface as a machine may have 2 subnet belonging to the same space
> address (ok, we may model this in maas by designing 1-to-1 subnet-to-space).
> Again: some charms may use the juju network spaces, but it would be great
> juju to be charm agnostic when asking resources to maas (with bind
> constraint of course).
> I'm ready to test if you have a fix.
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-09 15:05 GMT+01:00 Sandor Zeestraten <>:
> Where do we find which bindings a charm has so they can be specified
> directly?
> According to the docs on the metadata (
> there's a
> section called extra-bindings but that only seems to be used in some charms.
> --
> Sandor Zeestraten
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 2:34 PM, John Meinel <>
> wrote:
> In the meantime, you can work around it by specifying the bindings
> directly: so in the case of mysql that would be:
>  juju deploy mysql --bind "db=db-space monitors=db-space ha=db-space ..."
> John
> =:->
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 7:25 AM, John Meinel <>
> wrote:
> "juju deploy mysql --bind db-space" is exactly the syntax that should be
> working, and I'm seeing it failing now. I will work to fix that and make
> sure we don't regress here. We certainly should have caught that before
> release.
> John
> =:->
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 1:47 AM, Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> Hi Ante,
> no that is not working, but i think it's by design.
> That constraint means: pick up a machine that has a leg in the db-space
> leg.
> So my machine with 2 eth ports in two different spaces satisfy that 
> constraint,
> it is picked, but the IP is wrong.
> Another option i tried is:
> juju deploy mysql --constraints spaces=db-space,^space_i_dont_want
> in that case the machine is filtered out, because, as i said before, it
> means "a machine that is in db-space space but not in space_i_dont_want
> space".
> i just want it to pick the right ip!
> I checked the json coming from maas: it seems sorting ipv4 addresses from
> "smallest" to biggest and juju just picks the first one. in juju status i
> continue to see "dns-name" set to the wrong ip address, which doesn't
> resolve too.
> even using --to fqdn it doesn't get the right ip
> So i think there are two bugs:
> 1) juju deploy --bind cannot find space name reporting "empty names" error
> msg
> 2) juju doesn't try to resolve ips/hostname to check what's the machine
> name
> can you reproduce it?
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-09 8:39 GMT+01:00 Ante Karamatić <>:
> Hi Patrizio,
> this is exactly what I saw yesterday too, unrelated to this thread. What
> you could do is:
> juju deploy mysql --constraints spaces=db-space
> Let me know if the constraints workaround works for you.
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 8:28 AM Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> Hi John,
> i simply would like to do what's written in
> "When deploying an application to a target with multiple spaces, the
> operator must specify which space to use because ambiguous bindings will
> result in a provisioning failure."
> This is exactly my case: a machine with 2 eth ports, two different subnets
> in two different spaces.
> the doc says i may do (c/p): $ juju deploy mysql --bind db-space
> and so bind a maas space for all the application. Unfortunately it seems
> not working (i get the "empty names" error).
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-08 20:40 GMT+01:00 John Meinel <>:
> So without bindings, I would expect the behavior, the question is why you
> would be seeing:
>  "cannot run instances: cannot run instance:  interface bindings cannot
> have empty names"
> Can you open a bug on and
> include some more information like the logs from the controller machine?
> I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "my binding should be
> global for a local bundle charm".
> John
> =:->
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> i just upgraded to 2.1.1-xenial-amd64, same behaviour unfortunately.
> As i'm going to deploy openstack services (now i'm using ceph-osd just to
> test, than my binding should be global for a local bundle charm) i would
> like to say: all juju endpoint (bare metal/lxd containers) just get a
> address, not
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-08 16:27 GMT+01:00 John Meinel <>:
> Is it possible for you to test with Juju 2.1? I haven't seen that
> particular bug with binding, but I have done a lot more testing with 2.1. I
> didn't think we changed the particular "empty space" differences.
> The other possibility is to try and explicitly list the endpoints:
>   juju deploy ceph-osd --bind "public=XXX cluster=YYY"
> I would have thought you would want something more like:
>   juju deploy ceph-osd --bind "management public=PUBLIC"
> John
> =:->
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> It looks like it's not working
> $ juju deploy ceph-osd --bind "management"
> $ juju show-machine 0      shows
> "message: 'failed to start instance (cannot run instances: cannot run
> instance:  interface bindings cannot have empty names), retrying in 10s (3
> more attempts)'
> ...than after some seconds it fails. juju spaces sees the spaces from MaaS
> without issues.
> without forcing bindings
> $ juju show-machine 0
> model: openstack
> machines:
>   "0":
>     juju-status:
>       current: pending
>       since: 08 Mar 2017 15:14:55Z
>     dns-name:
>     ip-addresses:
>     -
>     -
>     instance-id: abkgqx
>     machine-status:
>       current: allocating
>       message: Deploying
>       since: 08 Mar 2017 15:15:09Z
>     series: xenial
>     hardware: arch=amd64 cores=4 mem=8192M tags=virtual
> availability-zone=primary
> it looks a bug, or better, the bug: dns-name is 192.x.x.x but it's not
> true, is the real hostname provided by external dns.
> Patrizio
> 2017-03-08 14:57 GMT+01:00 John Meinel <>:
> You should be using "juju deploy application --bind space" to declare
> which set of addresses you want the applications to use.  Does that not
> work?
> John
> =:->
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 4:44 AM, Patrizio Bassi <>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm quite new the juju and it's charms. On ubuntu 16.04 LTS I have juju
> 2.0.2 using maas (2.1.3) cloud as provider.
> In maas I have configured (ready status) some machines, each one has 2 eth
> ports, one with a public ip (same as juju client/controller 10.x.x.x) which
> resolves to machine hostname and the other meant to be private (192.x.x.x)
> and without a public gateway for instance.
> When deploying any application juju gets the machine from maas and starts
> using as public ip the 192.x.x.x one.
> I could not find any way to deploy using the 10.x.x.x, the guide in
> seems not appliable to my
> case (spaces/network are already correctly provided by maas).
> Can you please address me? Unfortunately I'm stuck with deploy
> Thank you
> Patrizio
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