It has to be ready and available for juju - it'll take care of deploying it.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 7:48 PM, wahi <> wrote:
> Hi Fengxia,
> Thanks for your response.
> Actually the VM is deployed already by MAAS, do I need to commission it and
> not go to the deployment ? is the deployment will be by JUJU ?
> On 08/03/2017 06:23 PM, fengxia wrote:
> Another thing to check. Is your VM in the "READY" state?
> On 08/03/2017 03:12 AM, wahi wrote:
> Dear all,
> Recently I am investingating the installation of Openstack using MAAS and
> I installaed MAAS on bare metals server Ubuntu 16.04, I have another server
> also which has Ubuntu 16.04.
> I managed to deploy several KVM virtual machines on two servers using MAAS,
> so every VM got private IP address form MAAS.
> I installed JUJU package on a VM which is located on the second server (not
> MAAS server), from there I did the following steps:
> juju add-cloud /here I chose MAAS/
> Here: Enter the API endpoint url: http://public_IP_OF_MAAS:5240/MAAS
> juju bootstrap maas-cloud
> juju clouds /maas-cloud is there/
> juju add-credential maas-cloud /Entered the API key/
> juju bootstrap maas-cloud maas-cloud-controller
> after this command getting
> Creating Juju controller "prodmaas-controller" on prodmaas
> Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.0.2 for amd64
> Launching controller instance(s) on prodmaas...
> ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run
> instances: cannot run instance: No available machine matches constraints:
> [('zone', ['default']), ('agent_name',
> ['f7a273ac-6190-4798-8ee6-f7d2df722b27']), ('mem', ['3584'])] (resolved to
> "mem=3584.0 zone=default")
> I need to mention that I have a VM on MAAS server with 4GB memory!!! (I
> don’t know if the error related to that)
> Could you please help me to identify the problem.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Regards,
> Wahi
> --
> Feng xia
> Engineer
> Lenovo USA
> Phone: 5088011794
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