I released the VM now and erasing the disk, I will try to bootstrap and update the status.

On 08/03/2017 09:55 PM, Witold Krecicki wrote:
It has to be ready and available for juju - it'll take care of deploying it.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 7:48 PM, wahi <w...@sci.am> wrote:
Hi Fengxia,

Thanks for your response.

Actually the VM is deployed already by MAAS, do I need to commission it and
not go to the deployment ? is the deployment will be by JUJU ?

On 08/03/2017 06:23 PM, fengxia wrote:

Another thing to check. Is your VM in the "READY" state?

On 08/03/2017 03:12 AM, wahi wrote:

Dear all,

Recently I am investingating the installation of Openstack using MAAS and

I installaed MAAS on bare metals server Ubuntu 16.04, I have another server
also which has Ubuntu 16.04.

I managed to deploy several KVM virtual machines on two servers using MAAS,
so every VM got private IP address form MAAS.

I installed JUJU package on a VM which is located on the second server (not
MAAS server), from there I did the following steps:

juju add-cloud /here I chose MAAS/

Here: Enter the API endpoint url: http://public_IP_OF_MAAS:5240/MAAS

juju bootstrap maas-cloud

juju clouds /maas-cloud is there/

juju add-credential maas-cloud /Entered the API key/

juju bootstrap maas-cloud maas-cloud-controller

after this command getting

Creating Juju controller "prodmaas-controller" on prodmaas

Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.0.2 for amd64

Launching controller instance(s) on prodmaas...

ERROR failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run
instances: cannot run instance: No available machine matches constraints:
[('zone', ['default']), ('agent_name',
['f7a273ac-6190-4798-8ee6-f7d2df722b27']), ('mem', ['3584'])] (resolved to
"mem=3584.0 zone=default")

I need to mention that I have a VM on MAAS server with 4GB memory!!! (I
don’t know if the error related to that)

Could you please help me to identify the problem.

Thank you very much in advance.



Feng xia
Lenovo USA

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