Can you please send the version number of LLVM under julia/deps/llvm-#.#?

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Cristóvão Duarte Sousa <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Julia compiled from git in Arch linux, and in the last weeks
> I've been getting almost random segmentation faults, mainly, but not only,
> when running Pkg.update().
> I've followed the procedures from
> (except for the Github issue
> opening) and I'm posting here the gdb logs. All logs refer to starting
> Julia with an empty .julia/v0.3 folder.
> I started by running versioninfo(true) before Pkg.update(), but somehow in
> this case it doesn't segfaults; here is a gdb log copypast for that case:
> If I just run Pkg.update(), also with an empty .julia/v0.3, it segfaults:
> (the log is huge since there is a lot of llvm code in the middle)
> I've also seen segmentation faults when running other commands, and I even
> have got BoundsErrors from Base functions in a few occasions.
> I've also discovered that by removing the precompiled, the
> segfaults disappear:
> I have no knowledge about how to further tackle this issue.
> What can I do next?
> Thanks,
> Cristóvão

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