It's not an exported interface, and many of us hope it will change drastically 
in the future, but this works:

julia> type MyType
         Base.Cartesian.@nexprs 5 i->a_i::Int

julia> MyType.names

julia> MyType.types


On Sunday, February 09, 2014 09:17:55 PM Fil Mackay wrote:
> To create a type at runtime, there are a few of methods - each delivering
> an equivalent result:
> *julia> quote*
> *       type Test1*
> *           a1::Int32*
> *           a2::Int32*
> *           a3::Int32*
> *       end*
> *   end*
> quote  # none, line 2:
>     $(Expr(:type, true, :Test1, quote  # line 3:
>         a1::Int32 # line 4:
>         a2::Int32 # line 5:
>         a3::Int32
>     end))
> end
> *julia> parse("""quote*
> *       type Test2*
> *           a1::Int32*
> *           a2::Int32*
> *           a3::Int32*
> *       end*
> *   end""")*
> quote  # none, line 2:
>     $(Expr(:type, true, :Test2, quote  # line 3:
>         a1::Int32 # line 4:
>         a2::Int32 # line 5:
>         a3::Int32
>     end))
> end
> *julia> Expr(:type, false, symbol("Test3"), Expr(:block, [Expr(:(::),
> symbol("a$x"), symbol("Int32")) for x = 1:3]...))*
> :($(Expr(:type, false, :Test3, quote
>         a1::Int32
>         a2::Int32
>         a3::Int32
>     end)))
> *Question:* I'm interested if there is a better quote method, something
> that avoids playing with string parsing or explicit Expr()'s with some
> ninja $() magic like pseudo-code:
> *quote*
> *    type Test4*
> *        $for x = 1:3*
> *            a$x::Int32*
> *        $end*
> *    end*
> *end*
> Anything similar actually possible?

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