Nice one.. is there a @nexprs that can take a compile-time iterable, and 
map function that produces a child expression for each item? Kind of like 
replacing $N with "1:5" rather than one value at a time. That's what I'm 
really looking for..

On Monday, February 10, 2014 11:42:31 PM UTC+11, Tim Holy wrote:
> On Monday, February 10, 2014 03:16:18 AM Fil Mackay wrote: 
> > Is there an equivalent that allows a for loop iterator to construct the 
> > type.. Base.Cartesian.@forexprs perhaps? :) 
> Base.Cartesian is a slightly-enhanced version of the original Cartesian.jl 
> package; the README there is (in my personal opinion) quite thorough. The 
> version in base is intentionally undocumented since we don't plan on 
> exporting 
> it. 
> But I'm wondering if perhaps you're simply wondering if you can replace 
> "5" in 
> my example with something else. The answer is yes: 
> julia> for N = 1:5   
>          typename = symbol(string("MyType", N)) 
>          @eval begin     
>            type $typename               
>              Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N i->a_i::Int 
>            end 
>          end 
>        end 
> julia> MyType2.names 
> (:a_1,:a_2) 
> julia> MyType4.names 
> (:a_1,:a_2,:a_3,:a_4) 

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