I'm not much of an expert but here my answers.  Maybe someone more
knowledgeable could check/comment on the answers?

> a) Is there an equivalent to Python's doctest.testmod() in 
> Julia? http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html[1]

No.  Julia comes with a rudimentary tasting framework: Base.Test and
there are some more advanced ones available as packages.

> b) How can I documment my code, so that calling help shows the info in 
> comments like Python's docstrings?

There is nothing like that yet, but we're working on it:

> Help on function fgen in module matematicas:
> fgen(a: int, b: int, c: int) -> '(x1: float, x2: float)'
>     Formula General.
>     >>> from matematicas import fgen
>     >>> # 4x² + 3x - 1 = 0
>     >>> a = 4; b = 3; c = -1
>     >>> x1, x2 = fgen(a, b, c)
>     >>> print('x1 = {0}\n'
>     ...       'x2 = {1}'.format(x1, x2))
>     x1 = 0.25
>     x2 = -1.0
> c) What is the difference between?:
>    - include
>    - import
>    - using
>    - require

I find those a bit confusing as well, maybe because they are subtlety
different from what I'm used from python.  I just re-read the manual
http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/modules/[3] and it helps a lot
(it seems to have improved a lot since I last read it). 

Here as far as I understand:
>    - include
This pastes the contents of the included file at this location.  Nothing
more.  A file system path is the argument.

>    - import
>    - using
These are similar in the sense that they make the imported/used module
available in the current module.  Two differences: 
- `import` will allow you to extent the imported functions, `using` not.
- Second difference is that `using` will put the variable and functions
  which the module `exports` into the current namespace, `import`

Comparing to Python to Julia:

import <-> import

from X import name1, name2  <-> import X: name1, name2

Python's `from X import *` is similar to Julia's `using X` except that
with `using` only `export`-ed objects are introduced into the current

There is also the undocumented `importall`, which is similar to `using`
but except that you can extent the functions it imports:
(I think some consider using `importall` bad style as it allows you to
inadvertently extend functions from other modules.)

>    - require
Hmm, here I struggle a bit. I think this executes the content of the
file (passed as argument) in the top level scope, i.e. `Main`.  What the
difference is to run `include` in the top level scope, I don't know.
Maybe because it searches the LOAD_PATH?

> d) Does my module has to have the same name as the file ie: (Matematicas.jl 
> / module Matematicas)?

No, there is no relation between file-name and module.  Also a module
can be spread over several files which are then included, see again
http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/modules[5] for an example.

> e) Are these homologus?
> if !isinteractive()
>     ...tests... 
> end
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     ...tests...

No, I don't think so: the first is run whenever the session is not
interactive.  The second is run when python is called to process that
particular file as top-level file (i.e. not imported by other files).
In Julia this would be done as:

if current_module()==Main

but that doesn't seem to be used as much as in Python.  At least I
haven't seen it yet.

> f) Do I have to export fgen to be able to import it from another module? Or 
> when should I use export?

If you want to be able to call fgen without fully qualifying it as
Matematicas.fgen, then `export` it inside the module and `using` it
where you want to use it.  Generally, what you think is the public
interface to your module is exported.

> I know there are many noob questions, sorry, ...but I have no hurry!  ;-) 

No worries.

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