> > d) Does my module has to have the same name as the file ie:
> (Matematicas.jl
> > / module Matematicas)?
> No, there is no relation between file-name and module.  Also a module
> can be spread over several files which are then included, see again
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/modules[5] for an example.

This is not entirely true: when you type "using MyModule" or "import
MyModule", julia looks in the current directory and the LOAD_PATH for
"MyModule.jl", "MyModule/src/MyModule.jl", or "MyModule.jl/src/MyModule.jl".

If it's the case that the module name does not match the filename, you
should first do `require("mymodule.jl")` (or `include("mymodule.jl")),
followed by a using or import statement.



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