Oh that would be awesome! Thanks for your patience in giving this a try :)
I think that error may be because the npm executable (and maybe even node) 
is not in your PATH.
That line is esentially doing this on the command line: 
npm install zmq --save-dev
npm install gulp --save-dev
npm install gulp-util --save-dev
Can you see if npm is available on your PATH?
Also saw this tool for windows: chocolately. It seems to be a package 
manager (like apt-get/brew) but for windows. 
 may help you get through the dependencies and set your PATH correctly.
Unrelated side note - It may make sense to add Julia to chocolatey. Seems 
like they support Python, Ruby, etc.
- Chris

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:28:31 AM UTC-4, Jacques Rioux wrote:

> Hi Christopher, thanks for your reply.
> I figured out that it was an issue with the version of npm on my machine. 
> I reinstalled npm and after that I was able to install jlbox and zmq but in 
> both cases I get warnings about conversion from __int64 to int, uint64_t to 
> int32_t, and so on.
> I kept going anyway and was eventually able to run jlbox and it does seem 
> to do its job but I get error at event.js line 72. I have no idea where 
> that file is. I looked for that file on my disk and was not able to find 
> the culprit. I attached a file if you want to see the details.
> I am working on a presentation on how to build packages for Julia for a 
> brand new Julia Users Group that had its first meeting 3 weeks ago. I would 
> love to be able to demonstrate your tool. I think that this is the tool I 
> would like to use myself if I can get it to go.

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