Status isn't returning the value created by new.

On Thursday, March 27, 2014 05:45:08 AM RecentConvert wrote:
> It turns out the error wasn't in the code I posted but how it was then
> implemented though I still am not sure what is wrong.
> This code works.
> type Status AutoBG::Vector{Bool}
>  AutoCal::Vector{Bool}
>  FrequencyLock::Vector{Bool}
>  BinomialFilter::Vector{Bool}
>  AltMode::Vector{Bool}
>  GuessLast::Vector{Bool}
>  PowerNorm::Vector{Bool}
>  ContRefLock::Vector{Bool}
>  AutoSpectSave::Vector{Bool}
>  PressureLock::Vector{Bool}
>  #b11::Vector{Bool}
>  #b12::Vector{Bool}
>  WriteData::Vector{Bool}
>  RS232::Vector{Bool}
>  ElectronicBGSub::Vector{Bool}
>  #b16::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve1::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve2::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve3::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve4::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve5::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve6::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve7::Vector{Bool}
>  Valve8::Vector{Bool}
>  # Constructor for Status type
>  function Status(vals::Array{Int64})
>  l = int64(length(vals))
>  AutoBG = Array(Bool,l)
>  AutoCal = Array(Bool,l)
>  FrequencyLock = Array(Bool,l)
>  BinomialFilter = Array(Bool,l)
>  AltMode = Array(Bool,l)
>  GuessLast = Array(Bool,l)
>  PowerNorm = Array(Bool,l)
>  ContRefLock = Array(Bool,l)
>  AutoSpectSave = Array(Bool,l)
>  PressureLock = Array(Bool,l)
>  #b11 = Array(Bool,l)
>  #b12 = Array(Bool,l)
>  WriteData = Array(Bool,l)
>  RS232 = Array(Bool,l)
>  ElectronicBGSub = Array(Bool,l)
>  #b16 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve1 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve2 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve3 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve4 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve5 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve6 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve7 = Array(Bool,l)
>  Valve8 = Array(Bool,l)
>  # Parse Inputs
>  for i=1:l
>  # Byte 1
>  AutoBG[i] = vals[i] & 2^(1-1) > 0
>  AutoCal[i] = vals[i] & 2^(2-1) > 0
>  FrequencyLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(3-1) > 0
>  BinomialFilter[i] = vals[i] & 2^(4-1) > 0
>  AltMode[i] = vals[i] & 2^(5-1) > 0
>  GuessLast[i] = vals[i] & 2^(6-1) > 0
>  PowerNorm[i] = vals[i] & 2^(7-1) > 0
>  ContRefLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(8-1) > 0
>  # Byte 2
>  AutoSpectSave[i] = vals[i] & 2^(9-1) > 0
>  PressureLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(10-1) > 0
>  #b11[i] = vals[i] & 2^(11-1) > 0
>  #b12[i] = vals[i] & 2^(12-1) > 0
>  WriteData[i] = vals[i] & 2^(13-1) > 0
>  RS232[i] = vals[i] & 2^(14-1) > 0
>  ElectronicBGSub[i] = vals[i] & 2^(15-1) > 0
>  #b16[i] = vals[i] & 2^(16-1) > 0
>  # Byte 3
>  Valve1[i] = vals[i] & 2^(17-1) > 0
>  Valve2[i] = vals[i] & 2^(18-1) > 0
>  Valve3[i] = vals[i] & 2^(19-1) > 0
>  Valve4[i] = vals[i] & 2^(20-1) > 0
>  Valve5[i] = vals[i] & 2^(21-1) > 0
>  Valve6[i] = vals[i] & 2^(22-1) > 0
>  Valve7[i] = vals[i] & 2^(23-1) > 0
>  Valve8[i] = vals[i] & 2^(24-1) > 0
>  end # End of conversion
>  println("AutoBG Length: " * string(length(AutoBG)))
> #new(AutoBG,AutoCal,FrequencyLock,BinomialFilter,AltMode,GuessLast,PowerNorm
> ,ContRefLock,AutoSpectSave,PressureLock,b11,b12,WriteData,RS232,ElectronicBG
> Sub,b16,Valve1_temp,Valve2_temp,Valve3_temp,Valve4_temp,Valve5_temp,Valve6_t
> emp,Valve7_temp,Valve8_temp)
> new(AutoBG,AutoCal,FrequencyLock,BinomialFilter,AltMode,GuessLast,PowerNorm
> ,ContRefLock,AutoSpectSave,PressureLock,WriteData,RS232,ElectronicBGSub,
> Valve1,Valve2,Valve3,Valve4,Valve5,Valve6,Valve7,Valve8)
>  end # End of constructor
>  end # End of type
>  y = [1:10]
>  x = Status(y)
>  # Properties
>  println("Type: " * string(typeof(x)))
>  println(x.AutoBG)
> I'm trying to build a module for functions related to an instrument we have
> and the Status type was placed in there. The module looks like this.
>  module Aerodyne
>  export Status, aerodyne
>  type Status
>      AutoBG::Vector{Bool}
>      AutoCal::Vector{Bool}
>      FrequencyLock::Vector{Bool}
>      BinomialFilter::Vector{Bool}
>      AltMode::Vector{Bool}
>      GuessLast::Vector{Bool}
>      PowerNorm::Vector{Bool}
>      ContRefLock::Vector{Bool}
>      AutoSpectSave::Vector{Bool}
>      PressureLock::Vector{Bool}
>      #b11::Vector{Bool}
>      #b12::Vector{Bool}
>      WriteData::Vector{Bool}
>      RS232::Vector{Bool}
>      ElectronicBGSub::Vector{Bool}
>      #b16::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve1::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve2::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve3::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve4::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve5::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve6::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve7::Vector{Bool}
>      Valve8::Vector{Bool}
>      # Constructor for Status type
>      function Status(vals::Array{Int64})
>          l = int64(length(vals))
>          AutoBG = Array(Bool,l)
>          AutoCal = Array(Bool,l)
>          FrequencyLock = Array(Bool,l)
>          BinomialFilter = Array(Bool,l)
>          AltMode = Array(Bool,l)
>          GuessLast = Array(Bool,l)
>          PowerNorm = Array(Bool,l)
>          ContRefLock = Array(Bool,l)
>          AutoSpectSave = Array(Bool,l)
>          PressureLock = Array(Bool,l)
>          #b11 = Array(Bool,l)
>          #b12 = Array(Bool,l)
>          WriteData = Array(Bool,l)
>          RS232 = Array(Bool,l)
>          ElectronicBGSub = Array(Bool,l)
>          #b16 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve1 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve2 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve3 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve4 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve5 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve6 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve7 = Array(Bool,l)
>          Valve8 = Array(Bool,l)
>          # Parse Inputs
>          for i=1:l
>              # Byte 1
>              AutoBG[i] = vals[i] & 2^(1-1) > 0
>              AutoCal[i] = vals[i] & 2^(2-1) > 0
>              FrequencyLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(3-1) > 0
>              BinomialFilter[i] = vals[i] & 2^(4-1) > 0
>              AltMode[i] = vals[i] & 2^(5-1) > 0
>              GuessLast[i] = vals[i] & 2^(6-1) > 0
>              PowerNorm[i] = vals[i] & 2^(7-1) > 0
>              ContRefLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(8-1) > 0
>              # Byte 2
>              AutoSpectSave[i] = vals[i] & 2^(9-1) > 0
>              PressureLock[i] = vals[i] & 2^(10-1) > 0
>              #b11[i] = vals[i] & 2^(11-1) > 0
>              #b12[i] = vals[i] & 2^(12-1) > 0
>              WriteData[i] = vals[i] & 2^(13-1) > 0
>              RS232[i] = vals[i] & 2^(14-1) > 0
>              ElectronicBGSub[i] = vals[i] & 2^(15-1) > 0
>              #b16[i] = vals[i] & 2^(16-1) > 0
>              # Byte 3
>              Valve1[i] = vals[i] & 2^(17-1) > 0
>              Valve2[i] = vals[i] & 2^(18-1) > 0
>              Valve3[i] = vals[i] & 2^(19-1) > 0
>              Valve4[i] = vals[i] & 2^(20-1) > 0
>              Valve5[i] = vals[i] & 2^(21-1) > 0
>              Valve6[i] = vals[i] & 2^(22-1) > 0
>              Valve7[i] = vals[i] & 2^(23-1) > 0
>              Valve8[i] = vals[i] & 2^(24-1) > 0
>          end # End of conversion
>          println("Valve1: " * string(typeof(Valve1)))
>          println("Valve1 Length: " * string(length(Valve1)))
>          new(AutoBG,AutoCal,FrequencyLock,BinomialFilter,AltMode,GuessLast,
> PowerNorm,ContRefLock,AutoSpectSave,PressureLock,WriteData,RS232,
> ElectronicBGSub,Valve1,Valve2,Valve3,Valve4,Valve5,Valve6,Valve7,Valve8)
>          println("Test3")
>      end # End of constructor
>  end # End of type
>  end # End of module
> It's then called in this manner.
> using Aerodyne
> ...
> statuses = Status(vector(Dstc["StatusW"]))
> Dstc is a dataframe.
> Dstc["StatusW"] is a DataArray{Int64,1}.
> vector(Dstc["StatusW"]) is a Array{Int64,1}.
> Unfortunately statuses still ends up being Nothing (constructor with 1
> method).

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