On Monday, April 21, 2014 4:40:38 PM UTC-4, Tobias Knopp wrote:
> Yes this is awesome work you have done there. Do you plan to implement the 
> real-data FFT, DCT and DST in pure Julia also? Then one could really think 
> about moving FFTW into a package. Hopefully its author is ok with that ;-) 

I plan to implement real-data FFTs, and move FFTW into a package.

Pure-Julia DCT and DST are not in my immediate plans (they are a PITA to do 
right because there are 16 types, of which 8 are common); my feeling is 
that the need for these is uncommon enough that it's not terrible to have 
these in a package instead of in Base.    (Hadamard transforms and MDCTs 
are also currently in packages.)

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