
Yes, the Matlab choice is slow and doesn't scale, but it's very easy to reason 
about. I think it was instructive for me to try and think of a real life bug 
that realized my worries. I came to realize that most of the code where I was 
using vec() was embedded in a chain of function calls like

b = M * exp(vec(a))

....so I see your point about fast easily composible functions when output and 
input share memory.

I recently had a discussion with a colleague that commented that R was 
essentially developed by statisticians which is why it doesn't scale well (not 
sure if that is actually true but thats beside my point). On the other hand, 
things like python are written by CS folks which hinders access for 
mathy-science folks who just want to prototype an idea every now and again 
without investing the time to upgrade their programming skills. I think julia 
can have the best of both: easy to learn + modern CS. 

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