On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 4:10:37 PM UTC+1, Jason Merrill wrote:
> Do you find yourself dealing with heterogeneous arrays often? It might be 
> useful to post some examples where this comes up to the list.

In my Matlab code I use cell arrays (heterogenous) a great deal, and of 
course normal arrays (homogeneous) too.

> Julia compiles specialized versions of functions for the concrete types 
> they are called with at run time, so you should usually think of the types 
> in function signatures as documentation/assumption checks rather than a 
> performance optimization.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm using types in function signatures for - 
documentation and error checking.

> This is in contrast to explicit types used in type declarations or inside 
> function bodies, which can have important performance effects.
Yes, understood.

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