On Apr 29, 2014, at 8:28 AM, Oliver Woodford <oliver.woodf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you saying that f{T<:Real}(a::Array{T}) covers both homogeneous and 
> heterogeneous arrays, whereas f(a::Array{Real}) only covers heterogeneous 
> arrays? If that's the case it strikes me as just as confusing.

This is indeed how parametric types work in Julia.

Array{T} is a family of types, one for each value of T. Defining 
f{T}(a::Array{T}) allows you to generically define an infinite number of 
functions -- you get a unique function for each value of T. 

In contrast, Array{Real} is a single type -- specifically, the type generated 
by the parametric type Array{T} when its parameter T = Real. There is no 
variable T, so f(a::Array{Real}) defines exactly one function -- and that 
function accepts exactly one type of input.

Array{Any} is also a single type.

 -- John

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