Ok, here is quickest example that I came up with. 

theta_init = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
chain = Array{Float64,1}[init]
for k=1:10_000
       theta_prop = chain[end]
       theta_prop += rand(3)
       likelihoodratio = computelr(theta_prop, theta_curr)
       if rand() < minimum([1,likelihoodratio])
               push!(chain, theta_prop)
               push!(chain, theta_curr)

I'm generating a markov chain of vectors. The code proposes a new state vector, 
theta_prop, and pushes it to chain if it satisfies a criterion. The problem is 
that I may run it for 10_000 steps, look at the results and then decide to run 
it for longer... so preinitializing isn't as natural. 

BTW: thanks a ton...I can't believe I'm having Stefan look at my code!

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