> Any update on agenda and hotel?
It is a travel red period, flights are quickly booking up and becoming 
expensive, probably the same with hotel rooms.
I would like to make arrangements soon should I decide to make it.

For what is worth, here is a quick overview of what I am interested in as a 
brand new potential user considering Julia for upcoming bigger-data 
prototyping needs where I expect something like R to choke.
In such a conference, along with getting to know the community in person, I 
would want to learn what it takes to get going seriously and feel confident 
the language is *mature enough* to get going productively.
Topics/sessions I would love to attend and learn are (sorry for probably 
stating the obvious and also missing important points too):

   - Background on "why Julia" and architecture, explaining all the 
   strengths, would be a good introduction even though most people showing up 
   would probably know a fair amount about it.
   - Current functional status & road map emphasizing strengths -- and 
   being honest with some weak points too!
   - Stable version upgrade process: how to keep the latest *stable 
   versions* of all packages in sync.
   - 101 "hello world" practical tutorial session hitting all the basics of 
   what one would need to know to be productive with basics like loading 
   delimited ascii data, simple crunching like linear regression as a simple 
   enough example, plotting, reporting (IJulia?).  In my opinion, comparing 
   several Julia approaches/packages with non-Julia ways like R & 
   Matlab/Octave would also be very beneficial as many new folks would 
   probably be able to relate at least to one of those standard languages.
   - Some more advanced specialized sessions on miscellaneous *key*packages -- 
e.g., DataFrames, plotting like Winston, Gadfly, IJulia, 
   interface data with databases.
   - I am sure many users would love to attend more advanced specialized 
   sessions -- e.g., LP & IP optimization, statistical methods.
   - Some sessions on success stories would also be interesting and 
   - Tricks & tips on how to get the most out of Julia, in particular but 
   not necessarily limited to performance.
   - IDE's (current in pipeline) would also be an interesting topic.  Any 
   chance for an Eclipse plugin?



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