Very cool!

I also dream of having a good Voronoi code in Julia. What I'm after in 
particular is dynamic construction (insertion and removal) of power 
diagrams<>(a generalization of 
Voronoi diagrams with weights on the generators). To 
that end, I started to try to write code to construct the exact conic hull 
of integer vectors in Julia, the current and very experimental version can 
be found here <>. Once you have the 
conic hull, it is easy to create Voronoi/power diagrams (also on the 
sphere). So far I have only addition of generators, but I would like to 
support removal as well.

My plan is to write the algorithms in a parametrized way so that it is easy 
to plug in different implementations of generators and predicates, 
hopefully I could interface your predicates as well, if I'm allowed to.

On Monday, 12 May 2014 16:16:21 UTC+2, Ariel Keselman wrote:
> see here:
> it implements fast and robust 2D and 3D orientation and in-circle tests 
> according to the algorithms described in this paper:
> i.e. calculate using regular Floats while constraining the error. If in 
> danger of getting a bad result repeat using exact calculation.
> this is good to implement fast Voronoy/Delaunay tessellations. See some 
> usage in the recent biggest cosmological simulation Illustris:
> These should be faster than say-
> which use adaptive precision
> I intend to implement Voronoy algorithms on top of this, some day :)
> Feedback welcome!

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