
arr = [ChannVals() for i = 1:10]

On Friday, May 16, 2014 01:27:18 AM Carlos Becker wrote:
> Hello all,
> I wanted to create an array of an immutable type and initialize an empty
> copy in each (with the default constructor).
> I am wondering which is the best way to do it, so far:
>    immutable ChannVals
> taus::Vector{Float64}
> alphas::Vector{Float64}
> ChannVals() = new( Float64[], Float64[] )
>    end
>    # create 10 new instances
>    arr = ChannVals[ChannVals() for i=1:10]
> Now, a neat but incorrect way is to do
>    arr = Array( ChannVals, 10 )
>    fill!(allVals, ChannVals())
> because it will fill them with the same instance.
> Is there a neat way, such as a fillwithcopies!() ?
> Cheers.

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